Information for parents of the preparatory group on the lexical topic “Golden Autumn”

Theme of the week: “Golden Autumn”

Children should know:

- what time of year has come, name the autumn months in order; - signs of autumn: - it has become cold, strong winds are blowing, cold drizzling rains are falling; - the leaves on the trees turn red, turn yellow and fall off, leaf fall has begun; - insects disappeared; - birds gather in flocks and fly south; - the days have become shorter and the nights longer; — crops are harvested from fields and gardens; — people began to dress warmer; - name the trees: birch, spruce, pine, rowan, oak, linden, poplar, maple; - name the seeds and fruits of trees: acorns, catkins, berries, a bunch of rowan berries, cones, lionfish.

Expanding children's vocabulary:

Nouns : autumn, cloud, rain, weather, leaf fall, dirt, earth, umbrella, September, October, November, leaves, trees, birch, oak, poplar, rowan, linden, aspen, maple, pine, spruce;

Adjectives : yellow, red, dry, wet, cold, autumn, cloudy, golden (autumn), gray (days), drizzling (rain), pouring (rain);

Verbs : turn yellow, blush, fall, pour, blow, step on, drizzle, pluck (leaves), frown, fly around.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn leaves”.

One two three four five. (Bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the thumb) We will collect the leaves. (They rhythmically clench and unclench their fists) Birch leaves, (Bend the fingers again, starting with the big ones) Rowan leaves, Poplar leaves, Aspen leaves, Oak leaves we will collect. (“They walk” on the table with the middle and index fingers of both hands) We’ll take an autumn bouquet to Mom.

Grammatical structure of speech

— Didactic exercise “One - many” (formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases):

puddle - puddle leaf - leaves tree - trees cloud - clouds branch - branches

— Didactic exercise “Name the sheet” (formation of relative adjectives):

birch leaf – maple birch leaf – aspen maple leaf – linden aspen leaf – rowan linden leaf – rowan oak leaf – poplar oak leaf – poplar

— Didactic exercise “Count to five” (coordination of nouns with numerals):

One oak leaf, two oak leaves, ..., five oak leaves One puddle, two puddles, ... five puddles; One tree, two trees, three trees, ... five trees; One branch, two branches, three branches, ... five branches; One cloud, two clouds, three clouds, ... five clouds; One umbrella, two umbrellas, ... five umbrellas;

— Didactic exercise “What is superfluous and why?”:

Autumn, winter, cold, spring (cold, since the rest are seasons). Oak, rowan, autumn, aspen (autumn, since the rest are trees). Rain, wind, tree, snow (tree, since the rest are natural phenomena).

Quiz on the theme “Autumn” in the preparatory group

Summary of the game - quiz for children of senior preschool age on the topic “Golden Autumn”
Author: Olga Vitalievna Shkodina, teacher of the Shakhtarsky Nursery-Garden No. 4, Shakhtersk, Donetsk region Description of the material: this material will be interesting and useful for kindergarten teachers when carrying out projects, final educational activities. The quiz is intended for children of senior preschool age. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the features of autumn, natural phenomena, to update children’s knowledge about birds and plants in a given period of the year. Objectives: Educational:
expand ideas about autumn, wintering and migratory birds, animals in a given period of time, consolidate counting to 10.
develop curiosity, interest in nature, logical thinking, fine motor skills, attention, memory, enrich children's vocabulary.
to cultivate a love of nature, kindness, respect for playmates.
Cognitive tasks and questions will help children consolidate their knowledge about birds and trees. Materials: paper, acorns, chestnuts, nuts, assignments on pieces of paper, pencils, basket, feather, pictures of trees, autumn leaves.
Quiz progress:

Guys, today is an unusual day for us. You and I will go traveling, but we need to guess the riddle - where will we go: In spring and summer, everyone sees him dressed. And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off from the poor thing.. (riddle about the forest)

Yes, today we will go to the autumn forest, now we will unite into three teams and each team has its own task.
(children stand on the carpet in a circle)
Pass this autumn leaf and name the three autumn months in order
(children name September, October, November and gather in groups by month).
(during the quiz, participants receive a nut, acorn or chestnut for correct answers).
1.Task for teams “Name the autumn words” Guys, you must remember the autumn word (rain, fog, leaf fall, harvest, chestnut) 2 Task “Each tree has its own leaf” (there are leaves with stickers on the tables, and trees on the board) Guys , here is the next task: each team has its own trees, you need to select those leaves that belong to your team and attach them to the desired tree. But first, let’s do finger exercises: 1,2,3,4,5 – we will collect leaves: Birch leaf, aspen leaf, Poplar leaves, rowan leaf, We will collect oak leaves, We will take an autumn bouquet to Mom! Trees for teams: “September” - maple, willow;
“October” - oak, birch; “November” - chestnut, poplar. Well done, everyone did an excellent job!
Shall we continue our journey? 3.Task on pieces of paper “Whose children are from the branch?” (fine motor skills)

The forest keeps many secrets. But today we will solve and answer questions 4.Task for team captains. (Captains are responsible, team members help if necessary).
What holidays are celebrated in autumn?
(Day of Knowledge, Harvest Festival, Day of the Elderly); Name the gifts of autumn (Harvest of fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, berries); What is the name of the autumn season, when there are a lot of cobwebs flying, the sun is shining gently and it’s warm like in summer? What is the natural phenomenon called when leaves fall off? Which trees produce cones? Name a place in the forest where identical trees grow? What supplies does the squirrel store in the fall? What animals hibernate? Why do birds fly south? Physical exercise “A flock of birds is flying south” A flock of birds is flying south (children flapping their arms like wings) The sky is blue all around. (raise their hands up, showing the sky) In order to fly faster, you have to flap your wings. (they wave their arms like wings) The birds began to descend, everyone sits down in the clearing. (they squat down) They have a long way to go, (they imitate pecking at grains) The birds need to rest. (they imitate sleeping, hands on cheeks) And again it’s time to hit the road, We have a lot of flying to do. (Children stand up and flap their “wings”) Here comes the south. Hooray! Hurray! (They raise their hands up and wave as if they are greeting) It’s time for us to land. (Children sit at the tables) 5. Task on pieces of paper “What birds are hidden in the picture” I invite all participants in the trip to take a place at the tables and find all the birds in the picture (shade all the birds with colored pencils.

6. Task “Birds” For each team you need to name the birds: “September” - wintering birds, “October” - migratory birds, and “November - waterfowl (each participant hands over a feather and names the bird) Let's rest a little, guess the riddles: 1. Red - yellow beauty - Golden braid. It rains for a long time, the wind blows away the leaves, what is this? (autumn)
2. The wind will call the cloud, The cloud floats across the sky.
And over the gardens and groves there is a cold drizzle... (rain)
3. Autumn has come to the garden.
The red torch was lit. There are blackbirds here, Starlings are scurrying about, and, noisily, they peck at him. (rowan)
4. Yellow leaves are flying, falling, circling, and just laying under your feet like a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall? It's just... (leaf fall)
5. It flies, not a bird, Howls, not an animal
6. Near the forest on the edge, Decorating the dark forest, It grew motley, like parsley, Poisonous...
(fly agaric). 7.Task on pieces of paper “Collect the dots in order” (counting from 1 to 10) What is shown on the piece of paper? That's right, the mushroom is boletus.

A surprise awaits you: “The Hedgehog’s Labyrinth”

8. Task for teams “It happens - it doesn’t happen.” I will read you the questions, and you answer “it happens in autumn, but it doesn’t happen in autumn” (for the correct explanation, autumn fruit) Can you go swimming in autumn? Yes or no? Why? (children’s explanation) Do mosquitoes bite in the fall? Yes or no? Do you need to be able to climb trees to grow a rosehip? Yes or no? Can you go sledding in the fall? Yes or no? Is it possible to hear birds singing in the autumn forest? Yes or no? Can the crop be harvested all year round? Yes or no? 9. Task “Let's Harvest” For each team you need to collect your own harvest: “September” - collects vegetables, “October2” - fruits, and “November” - berries. (each participant hands over a basket and names a vegetable, fruit or berry)
Guys, do you know tongue twisters about autumn?
1. Bring vegetables - there will be cabbage soup. 2. Underfoot during leaf fall, yellow leaves rustle. 3. I was sitting at Oka’s, eating apples. 4. They put on Pasha's galoshes and gaiters. Or maybe someone knows proverbs? Let's sit down in the clearing and tell us about your month: September
sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
is cold, but full.
loves neither wheels nor runners.
covered the ground with leaves and snow.
with a nail, December with a bridge.
In November,
it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.
Our journey has come to an end, let's count how many autumn fruits each team collected? Well done, what can you do with them? (crafts, feed the animals or eat yourself) The results of the competitions are summed up and all teams are awarded medals.
I congratulate you on your victory and present medals from the autumn forest as a souvenir.

We recommend watching:

Integrated educational NNOD with children of the preparatory group on the topic: Autumn Scenario of an autumn sports festival in the preparatory group. Harvest festival Autumn phenomena in nature Autumn entertainment for children of the preparatory group

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Advice from a speech therapist to parents

Take a walk with your children in the park, in the yard, and look at the trees growing there. Repeat the names of the trees. Explain that a tree has a trunk, branches, a root, and at the top there is a crown, a top.

Talk about the seasonal changes that occur to trees in the fall.

Find out if the child knows what time of year it is. Help your child remember the signs of autumn.

While walking, help your child find leaves of maple, oak, birch, poplar, aspen, and rowan. Show which trees they fell from. Teach your child to recognize them: “This leaf fell from the oak tree. You see how oval and carved it is. And the wind tore this leaf from the birch tree. It is pointed, with fine teeth along the edge. And here is a poplar leaf. It is also pointed, but larger than a birch leaf. This one is an aspen leaf. It looks like a coin, it is almost round. What does a rowan leaf resemble? Doesn’t it really look like a feather?”

Draw the child’s attention to the different colors of the leaves: “Do you see which maple leaf? Right. It's orange. What color is the aspen leaf? It’s red,” etc.

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