How to teach a child to characterize sounds: vowels and consonants, hard and soft
Do you know how to explain vowel and consonant sounds and letters to your child? And hard and
How to quickly restore your voice
Voice restoration in case of paresis and paralysis of the larynx
The voice needs to be protected not only by professional vocalists, for whom it is a working tool and source
How to learn to speak R and L correctly without the help of a speech therapist
Is it possible to practice making the sounds R and L without a speech therapist? In the absence of other violations
Summary of a logorhythmic lesson in a group of children with rhinolalia
Logorhythmics in the correction of rhinolalia Victoria Smertina Logorhythmics in the correction of rhinolalia In these classes using means
tongue twisters rebuses
Speech therapy rhymes and tongue twisters speech therapy trainer (senior group) on the topic
A tongue twister is a short, syntactically correct phrase in any language with artificially complicated articulation. Sounds
Project “Correction of oral speech disorders in primary schoolchildren”
Article: The first attempts to correct speech disorders are described in works on deaf pedagogy in the 17th century.
Technology of work on the prevention and correction of written speech disorders in primary schoolchildren
Impairment of written speech in primary schoolchildren Currently, problems of studying, diagnosing and
Children do the task
Diagnostics of the level of speech development of preschoolers 4-5 years old
Speech development is a very important process in the formation of the human body. Children begin to pronounce
Child speech at 4 years old Diagnosis of disorders and useful exercises
Features of speech development at 4 years of age Children’s environment The level of speech development at this age is at its maximum
Impaired differentiation of sounds in FFND
Sounds S-Sh - notes on speech therapy subgroup classes for children of FFNR
A system of speech therapy work to overcome disorders of phonemic perception in children with FFDD Full-fledged speech
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