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Teaching preschoolers is much more effective if a teacher or parent uses visual materials. Beautiful pictures of clothes for children, for example, allow you to:
- conversation;
- developmental activity;
- game.
Properly selected illustrations for children provide half the success of any speech therapy exercise, holding the child’s attention and giving him the necessary “tips.”
General principles of working with pictures
What rules should be followed when using pictures for activities with children? There are not many requirements, but all are important:
- Select pictures of items on the topic of clothing that are well known to children. For classes on speech development, you should not use images of outdated things (mittens with elastic bands), folk costumes or headdresses (kokoshnik), or uniforms (tunic).
- On cards for preschoolers, clothes should be drawn in as much detail as possible; details are important here. It’s good if the artist conveys the texture of the fabric (fluffy fur, rough drape, shiny satin). This will help children use more adjectives in their descriptions.
- For one lesson, it is recommended to take no more than 10 subject pictures on a topic or one subject. This makes it possible to carefully examine the images, note all their features, and reflect this in speech.
- Pictures must be of good quality and dense. The background should be selected only white.
- All images should be used by topic. For example, clothes for kindergarten or a summer wardrobe.
You can make an excellent demonstration material on the topic of clothing yourself if you print out the illustrations for this article and glue them to a thick base with tape.
How to use pictures correctly in classes and games
If you want to use clothing cards for lessons, it is important to let the children take a good look at them first.
It is useful to play several games (for attention or logic) with illustrations selected for speech practice, which can then be used in class. This gives children the opportunity to get acquainted with the drawings without haste and ask an adult questions about what they saw. The following techniques will be useful:
- If you are planning to have a conversation on the topic “Winter clothes”, then you should devote time to the games “Will I wear it in winter or in summer?” or “Find a pair” (with socks, mittens, hats, scarves, warm shoes).
- Read poetry or a short story about the process of dressing for the street in the cold season.
- Make an applique on the topic of clothing or ask the children to make a drawing. You can also take cut-out pictures, puzzles with wardrobe elements, “Clothes and Shoes” coloring books, and “Young Fashion Designer” construction sets for preparatory work.
- Offer your children thematic riddles about clothes that he already knows well.
- It is worth choosing appropriate clothes for the dolls and organizing games with them.
After such a preliminary “immersion in the topic,” it will be much easier for children to participate in speech games.
Summary of a lesson in a senior speech therapy group on the topic: Clothing
"Miracle Tree"
Compiling a descriptive story on the topic “Clothing” in the CI group for children with SLI from 5 to 6 years old. Goal: To consolidate in children the ability to compose descriptive stories on the topic “Clothing” Objectives: Speech development: enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”, develop coherent speech, learn to compose descriptive stories about clothing according to plan, improve the grammatical structure of speech, teach to form relative adjectives.
Cognitive development: consolidate the ability to determine the material from which an object is made, develop attention, memory, logical thinking, cultivate a caring attitude towards clothing. Physical development: develop gross and fine motor skills Artistic and aesthetic development: develop the ability to listen carefully to a poem, be able to share impressions about what you read earlier, comment on the actions of a literary character. Social and communicative development: to cultivate in children a tolerant attitude towards each other, skills of cooperation, and mutual understanding. Progress of the lesson:
Introduction: Speech therapist: -Every new day should be started in a good mood.
Let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Now let's open our eyes and smile at each other. I see that everyone is in a good mood. Main part:
1. The children, together with the speech therapist, approach the screen.
Speech therapist: -Listen to the poem: How a Miracle Tree grows at our gate. Miracle, miracle, miracle, wonderful miracle! Not leaves on it, Not flowers on it, But stockings and shoes, Like apples! An image of a tree appears on the screen.
-Guys, do you know the name of this poem? (Miracle tree) -Who wrote it? (K. Chukovsky) - Guys, if this is a miracle tree, how can you tell about it what it is? (Fairy-tale, magical). - Yes, guys, that’s why sometimes objects on it disappear, and new ones appear in their place. Look - they've disappeared. Only for some reason new objects did not appear on it, and the tree itself shrank. He must have run out of all his magical power. Do you want to help him? To do this you need to complete tasks. 2.-Do you want to know what objects should have appeared on the tree? To do this you need to solve riddles. Two trouser legs and an elastic band - A very strange picture. Where is the back and where is the front? Who will figure it out right away? (pants) So as not to freeze, Five guys are sitting in a knitted stove. (Mittens) Maybe it’s straight, Maybe it’s flared. Can be any color, Red and green. May have folds, lace, frills. Grandmothers, women and girls wear it. (skirt) It warms your neck in the cold winter, Soft, fluffy and woolen. (scarf) I’m like an umbrella - I don’t get wet, I protect you from the rain And I’ll cover you from the wind, Well, what am I? (cloak)
- How can all these objects be called in one word? Clothes This means that clothes should have appeared on our tree. But she didn’t appear because the tree’s power had dried up. We'll have to look for clothes ourselves. Where do people buy clothes? (In the store.) -We go to the store, and along the way we will complete tasks to help the tree. 3.D/I “Tsvetik-varitsvetik” -Look at what an unusual flower - a colorful one. Let's take a closer look at it. Sit comfortably on the mat. -What are its petals made of? (Fabric) What color are the fabrics? - Why do people need fabric? Let everyone take a petal that he likes. Tell us what this fabric is called and what can be sewn from it. — This is jeans, you can make a denim shirt from it, etc. - Well done guys, let's attach our petals to the board so that we get a flower again. - Look, it seems to me that our tree has grown a little, it probably has a little more magical power.
4.-And now, we will play with you the game “Assemble the clothes.” Each child is given pieces of clothing. The speech therapist asks what they are called. Children walk in a circle and read the poem: Clothes have pockets, sleeves and a collar, A lock, shelves, cuffs - it’s a down jacket! Children run up to the board and assemble a jacket from the parts. It’s so good that you were able to complete the task so quickly and we can move on. And our tree has grown a little more.
5.D/I “Magic bag” - Oh, what is this worth here? Some kind of bag. I wonder what's inside? This is probably our next task. Come closer, put your pen in the bag and try to guess who got what clothes. And then name whether these clothes are men’s, women’s or children’s. (Children attach items of clothing to the board) - All the guys completed the task correctly. Look, our tree has become almost the same as it was before. 6.-Who is this sitting here? A doll in wrinkled and dirty clothes sits on the table - Don’t you know? I think I guessed it. This is a boy from another work by Chukovsky. -What is the name of this poem? (Moidodyr) -What happened to him? Children: He was dirty and didn’t want to wash. -Look at his clothes. What is she like? Dirty, wrinkled. Let's tell him how to properly care for her. Those children who choose a picture with a palm will tell them what to do with the clothes, and those whose palm is crossed out will say what is not allowed. Children attach a picture of palms to the board. -And now we will help our dirty guy.
7. Physical Minute We poured water into a basin and soaked the clothes, washed them with soap, washed them, rinsed them thoroughly, and now we’ll wring everything out, shake them well, hang them on a rope, and deftly snap the clothespin! And if it dries out, what then? Let's iron everything! (children perform imitative movements)
-Well, look at our dirty little guy - how clean and neat he has become! -And our miracle tree has become big and beautiful again! Go ahead. 8.-Here is the store. I will be the seller, and you will be the buyers. And in order to buy clothes, you need to come up with a story about your clothes, and our pictures that we attached to the board will help you. (Having completed all the tasks, the children drew up a diagram of a descriptive story) Children take turns coming up, choosing a picture with the clothes they like and making up descriptive stories.
-Guys, you did a very good job, your stories were very interesting. And you were able to buy clothes for the tree. 9.-Our tree is ready to show us its magic. Smile at each other, And the clothes appear. After all, our smiles are a real miracle! Let's all get together! Children wave their hands, clothes appear on the tree.
Result: - Guys, what an interesting activity we had today! -What games did you like to play? -What interesting things did you learn in class? -What was difficult? -Who will you tell about our lesson? -The miracle tree thanks you for helping it and is waiting for you next time, with new miracles. It gives you a miracle bush. You will take him to the group, take some candy for yourself and treat the rest of the guys in your group.
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Summary of a psychological and speech therapy lesson in a senior speech therapy group. Summary of an individual educational activity with a 5-6 year old pupil for the correction of sound pronunciation. Summary of an educational activity in a senior speech therapy group. Summary of a lesson in a senior speech therapy group.
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