Children 4-5 years old
Speech development of children 4-5 years old: effective exercises, games, tips for parents
The speech development of children 4-5 years old refers to the period of visiting kindergarten, when the child is actively
Information for parents of the preparatory group on the lexical topic “Golden Autumn”
Theme of the week is “Golden Autumn” Children should know: - what time of year has come, call autumn
Norms of speech development from 0 to 6 years
“Norms for speech development of preschool children”
What is the norm of speech development? Pediatricians, neurologists, speech therapists, teachers rely on
There are 14 types of syllable structure of a word according to increasing degrees of complexity (classification of words according to A.K. Markova). It is also necessary to take this classification into account when teaching reading. Complicating the conclusion
VIOLATION OF THE SYLLABLE STRUCTURE OF THE WORD Correction of the cardiovascular system is one of the priority tasks in speech therapy work
Smile in a dream
When a child starts to gurgle and coo: age, prerequisites, how to teach
When the baby begins to coo and smile By the end of the first month of life, the baby begins to make
Exercise systems for introducing vowel sounds into speech
Games for automating the sounds S and S using the example of the phrases “Come here” This game
Summary of OOD in the preparatory speech therapy group on the topic “Autumn in the Forest” MADOOU “Kindergarten”
Classification of consonants
Pronunciation of English sounds with and without rules
To pronounce consonants, you need an obstacle in the path of the air stream in the oral cavity. What organs
speed reading, speed reading in 30 days, speed reading course, speed reading
10 magical exercises for developing reading technique
Article: One of the most controversial issues for parents and teachers is whether it is necessary
Speech development for children 4-7 years old: lessons based on story pictures
We teach children to tell stories based on pictures. Dear friends! If you decide to study with your baby
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