A child begins to pronounce whistling sounds correctly at about 3-4 years of age. But some children have problems with articulation. If measures are not taken promptly, speech dysfunction will persist for life. To create whistling sounds, a set of special exercises is usually prescribed. They are performed both in classes with a speech therapist and at home.
The importance of making a whistling sound
Speech defects that develop in childhood can lead to communication difficulties in adulthood. Therefore, the production of whistling sounds must be carried out in a timely manner. The earlier a deviation is detected, the greater the chances of its successful elimination. Typically, defects become noticeable when the child enters the middle group of kindergarten. Speech therapists distinguish two types of disorders:
- parasigmatism;
- sigmatism.
With sigmatism, the child’s pronunciation of the sound “s” in soft and hard forms is distorted. With parasigmatism, its replacement occurs. Deviations in spoken language can have a negative impact on the functioning of the nervous system. This subsequently leads to low self-esteem and communication disorders. Against the background of incorrect pronunciation, the following develops:
- Dyslalia is a disease characterized by difficulty pronouncing certain sounds.
- Dysgraphia is a deviation accompanied by the replacement and rearrangement of letters during writing.
- Dyslexia is a reading problem caused by the inability to combine letters into a single text.
Second phase. Sound production.
At the second stage, those children who correctly pronounce the sound s clarify its articulation and pronunciation, and consolidate their skills. The same children who did not know how to pronounce it learn to pronounce this sound - “whistle”. It is very important that the child is aware of the correct articulation of sound and can check himself. This is possible from the age of 4. And in classes on speech development, all children are taught this (at least, they should be taught even in the most ordinary kindergarten). Why do children with good sound pronunciation need this knowledge and skills? To develop their ability to consciously control the organs of the articulatory apparatus, to clarify and consolidate correct pronunciation, for clearer and faster operation of the articulatory organs, for good mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. All these skills develop gradually and require training.
At the age of 4, a child learns how teeth, lips, and tongue work when pronouncing sounds in the form of a fairy tale - the game “Tales of the Merry Tongue.”
From the age of 5 , you can explain to children the correct articulation of sound in the form we are familiar with (without a fairy tale) and ask the child questions: “How does the mouth work? What does the tongue do”, etc. In older preschool age, it is already important not only to make a movement and be able to talk about the correct execution of the exercise, but also to monitor the smoothness and accuracy of the movements, the quick switching to a new movement, and the ease of movements.
Articulatory gymnastics with children of any age can be completed with an exercise or game with onomatopoeia with a given sound, which you will find below.
When producing a sound, the baby also learns the correct articulation of the sound.
Correct articulation of sound p.
When correctly pronouncing a sound with: • The mouth smiles (the corners of the mouth are slightly drawn back), • The teeth are closed, • The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors (i.e., it is located below, not at the top), • The anterior part of the back of the tongue is close to the alveoli and forms a gap with them (children know the alveoli as “tubercles” on the palate, at the top of the mouth), • In the middle of the tongue, when pronouncing a sound, a groove is formed through which air flows. • Unlike hissing sounds, when making whistling sounds the air stream is cold ! In order to determine which stream of air is coming from the mouth, you need to bring your hand to your mouth, palm down. Pronounce the sound Ш yourself in this position, and then the sound S, and you will see the difference. You can show your baby this difference by blowing on his hand while pronouncing these two sounds. And then he himself will be happy to experiment to see how it works out for him - a cold stream of air or not.
For four-year-old children, you can practice the sound C in the form of a game. Invite your child to ride a bike. To do this, we need to inflate the tires that are slightly deflated with air. We will work with the pump and inflate the tires with air: sssss. Show yourself how the “pump works” - sss (show the articulation of this sound so that the child can clearly see your face). Ask your child: what is the position of the lips when the pump whistles? (In a smile). Are teeth visible? (Yes). Where is the tip of the tongue? (Below, hidden behind his lower teeth). What kind of air is coming in - cool or hot? (Cool) – bring the back of your hand to your mouth. Compare with the sound X - is the air warmer with the sound X or the sound of the pump C? Invite your child to “take the pump” (pantomime - an imaginary action) and “pump up the tires” - whistle ssss. Very often, even such clarification of the correct sound pronunciation of the sound C in the game “Pump” is enough for a four-year-old child to begin to pronounce the sound correctly!
It happens that “playing the pump” is not enough and you need to clarify the articulation of sound individually, in front of a mirror. When making a sound by imitation, you can invite the baby to blow on his slightly protruding wide tongue, imitating you. After this, you need to move your tongue behind your lower teeth. “Look where my tongue is. Do you see the teeth? Do the same. Smile so your teeth are visible. Press your wide tongue against your front teeth at the top. Well done! Now cover your mouth and let's blow. Raise your hand to your chin – can you feel the air flowing?” Place the cotton wool on the child's chin so that a stream of air hits it. If the child blows weakly, then ask him to blow harder, but do not puff out his cheeks. So, by imitation, the child will get the correct sound s. Repeat this sound 5-6 times with pauses.
You should not expect that the sound C, which appears through imitation, will immediately appear in the child’s speech. For a child, this is just the sound of a pump in a game! Even the next day, the baby may already forget everything, and you will have to demonstrate the sound production exercise again. And ask him to whistle like a pump, make noise like a vacuum cleaner, blow and whistle like the wind, etc. In order for the sound to enter the child’s speech, games and play exercises are needed to automate it, which I will talk about in the next article. After all, just repeating words and phrases with sound is not at all interesting for a baby! You also need to teach the child to distinguish sounds that are close and similar to each other, so as not to confuse them in speech. We will also talk about this in the continuation of this article.
And at the end, I want to offer you two videos about making whistling sounds with a demonstration of simple and accessible techniques.
Preparatory activities
Before performing exercises aimed at developing conversational speech, breathing training is carried out.
She teaches how to blow a stream of air from the lungs. To make the training more interesting for the child, it is recommended to use a small cotton wool or ball. The most common exercises that develop breathing include the following tasks:
- It is necessary to prepare an empty small bottle. Its neck should be brought to the lower lip. A stream of air is directed into the bubble. If the baby does everything correctly, a characteristic sound appears. This exercise is called “storm”.
- The palms need to be placed on the stomach. Then a deep breath is taken through the nose, after which the breath is held for a couple of seconds. Exit is through the mouth. The purpose of the exercise is to teach the child to control the air stream. The task is called "accordion".
- The “breeze” exercise is performed by stretching out the lips with a tube. A deep breath is taken through the nose. Then a palm is placed to the lips, and a stream of air is released through the mouth.
How to set sound mechanically
Speech development can also be carried out mechanically. In this situation, it is recommended to actively use special simple exercises:
- “Depict” a wide smile on your face, with your tongue in an interdental position. An important condition is not to touch the upper row of teeth. After some time, the mouth muscles relax, then the exercise is repeated again.
- The next step is to blow on the tip of the tongue, which should be protruding from the oral cavity. To feel the air stream, you should place your palm to your lips.
- While the child is blowing air, you need to press on the tongue with a toothpick. This will help form a groove through which the air stream is directed.
- At the next stage, the jaws close, but the toothpick remains between them. It helps fix the tongue in the desired position. The passage of an air stream will cause a whistle.
- While playing the whistling sound, you need to press a toothpick on different parts of the tongue, identifying in which position the “s” will sound correctly.
- After the child manages to pronounce the desired sound, the exercise is performed without using a toothpick.
Lesson 6
Development of exhalation force
Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue Smile. Lower the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, raise your back in a “mound”, and exhale.
Lip exercises
Raising and lowering of the upper lip exposing the upper teeth. Alternate raising and lowering of the corners of the mouth.
Tongue exercises
Keep your tongue motionless with the “groove” on the outside of the mouth, and then open your lips widely, then touch the “groove” with them. Game “I am not me.” The speech therapist pronounces phrases, and the children answer: “And I” or “Not me.” For example, a speech therapist says: “I love chocolate.” And the children answer: “And I, and I, and I.” “I love to chew a cup.” Children: “Not me, not me, not me.” Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue Pronunciation of syllabic combinations pti-pti-pti, pty-pty-pty; petit-pt, petit-pt; pt-pt-pt-pt-pt.
Development of phonemic awareness
“Pick it up and name it.” Place pictures in two piles depicting objects whose names contain the sounds [s] and [w]. Determine the position of the sound [s] in the words sled, boots, owl, bus.
Staging from other sounds
The correct pronunciation of “s” can be formed from other sounds. In this case we will talk about the sounds “ts” and “sh”. Initially, the child should reproduce “sh” in a drawn-out manner. Then the tongue gradually moves towards the teeth, without leaving the palate. "Sh" will gradually transform into a fuzzy whistling sound. To get a “s” out of it, you need to clench your teeth. After this, the child must repeat the attempt to replace one sound with another.
The production of whistling consonant sounds from “ts” is less common. The essence of the method is the drawn-out pronunciation of the sound “ts”. The child will not have to change the position of the tongue. The sound is automatically transformed into “s”. After this, it is recommended to consolidate the result with the help of tongue twisters or poems.
The importance of timely and correct diagnosis
In modern speech therapy, the problem of speech disorders is considered comprehensively by speech psychology, pathopsychology, defectology, speech therapy, and sociology. This approach is due to the complexity of the manifestation of speech disorders as a symptom or as a syndrome. It is important to identify it and begin correction as early as possible.
With normal development, a child pronounces all vowels and consonants by the age of three (sonorant [r] and [l] may appear by the age of four - this is not critical), does not lose syllables in spoken words, and constructs complex sentences. There are diaries (often in the form of a notebook for filling out) of development, in which the development of all the child’s skills is described step by step, month by month. Parents just need to periodically check with him, and if some skill is not developed in a timely manner, immediately pay close attention to it and find out the reason. Often the child is raised at home, so there is no one to tell the mother the necessary actions in the current situation.
If developmental delays or disturbances in any functions begin to appear, you should contact a specialist (pediatrician, speech therapist, psychologist, and, if necessary, a pediatric neurologist). In 90% of cases, timely correction allows you to forget about the existence of the problem by seven years, and sometimes earlier. But if you miss this period of development, you will have to expend much more effort, and the result may be unsatisfactory.
What methods exist for sigmatism
The production of the sounds “s”, “z” and “ts” with sigmatism is carried out in several ways. They are selected based on the nature of the deviation. Sigmatism is a distortion of the pronunciation of the sound “s”. The nature of the origin of the pathology is determined in the speech therapist's office. Possible causes of sigmatism include:
- neuritis;
- perceptual deviations;
- improper development of the maxillofacial apparatus;
- recently lost baby teeth;
- disturbances in figurative thinking.
Most often, sound pronunciation is corrected with the help of exercises, but in some cases a mechanical method may be required. The set of articulation exercises will vary in each individual case.
Interdental sigmatism
The deviation is characterized by the incorrect placement of the tongue between the teeth. It rests against the edges of the upper or lower incisors, which creates an obstacle to the passage of the air stream. “C” in this case changes to “t”. The main reason for this violation is considered to be the incorrect structure of the conversation between parents and the child. The likelihood of interdental sound is reduced with the necessary interaction between the baby and adults.
To correctly pronounce whistling sounds, they resort to imitation. In this case, the child tries to repeat after the adult. If this method does not produce results, installation is carried out mechanically.
Lateral sigmatism
Speech impairment with lateral sigmatism is accompanied by insufficient activity of the muscle tissue on the sides of the tongue. When trying to pronounce sounds, the tip of the organ rests on the area of the alveoli. Speech becomes completely unclear. A set of special exercises helps to improve sound pronunciation. Among the most effective are:
- alternate inflation and retraction of the cheeks;
- maximum opening and closing of the jaw, provided that the tongue is located at the bottom of the mouth;
- prolonged imitation of chewing with the mouth closed;
- rotation of the tongue in the predental area with the oral cavity slightly open;
- suction of an air stream through a tube made from the tongue.
Nasal sigmatism
Nasal sigmatism develops as a result of incomplete closure of the posterior wall of the pharynx with the soft upper palate. This happens when there is damage to the nervous system or when there are clefts in the palate. An exercise that involves blowing out the sound “f” helps to cope with this form of deviation. The child should place the wide part of the tongue between the lower lip and the upper incisors. From this position the sound “f” is pronounced. In the meantime, the tongue should be gradually retracted behind the teeth.
Dental parasigmatism
One of the causes of parasigmatism is malocclusion of the teeth. In this case, speech therapy exercises are used to produce speech. The emphasis is on the baby's tactile sensations and the correct location of the articulation organs. Initially, a soft “s” is set. Breathing work is being done. For these purposes, the child puts his hand to his mouth and directs the air flow onto it, after taking a deep breath. If he manages to pronounce “s”, there is no need to complete the lessons. It is necessary to consolidate the result by periodically repeating the exercises.
Sequence of work on sound production [C]. Methodological development for speech therapists
Oksana Popova
Sequence of work on sound production [C]. Methodological development for speech therapists
Sound warm-up
When starting to work on developing correct pronunciation, it is important to make sure that the child himself notices the lack of pronunciation. It often happens that children grasp the general meaning of a word, not paying attention to the fact that individual sounds are pronounced incorrectly. At this stage of work I use the following exercises.
1. Exercise “The most attentive”
Instructions. Look at the picture and listen carefully to whether I pronounce their names correctly or incorrectly. If the picture is named correctly, raise your hand up; if it is named incorrectly, shake your head negatively.
I would like to cancel the fact that in one lesson my child and I practice one picture word. First we work on words in which the sound is in the first position, then at the end, and then in the middle of the word.
As soon as the baby begins to confidently and correctly perform this task, he introduces a more complex exercise.
2. Exercise “Look, don’t make a mistake”
Instructions. Show me what I name.
Then, when the child confidently and correctly shows all the pictures, we change roles, now the child names, and I show, while I draw the child’s attention to the fact that it is difficult for me to show the right picture, since he names it incorrectly.
I suggest that the child learn to pronounce the sound [C] correctly. When the child agrees, I suggest playing the next game.
3. Exercises “Pump”, “Water Song”, “Whistle”. These exercises are similar to each other.
Instructions. Listen carefully and remember what sound the pump makes when it pumps air. Depict the movements with your hands when inflating tires with a pump, when you hear the pump whistling, and do not react to other sounds.
These exercises are not practiced all at once in one lesson, but are introduced gradually (one exercise per lesson). They should be completed until the child confidently answers your questions.
In parallel with the work on the development of phonemic processes, the articulatory apparatus is being prepared.
During my classes I use a classic set of articulatory gymnastics for whistling sounds. However, doing exercises sitting in front of a mirror is not very interesting for children (we only practice new exercises this way), so in my work I use presentations of gymnastics for the Tongue, accompanied by poetry or music.
Articulation gymnastics
1. “Punish the naughty tongue.”
Smile. Open your mouth slightly. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, make the sounds of five-five-five. Pat your tongue with your lips several times during one exhalation, then hold the wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open, counting from 1 to 5 - 10. Make sure that the child does not hold in the exhaled air. The lower lip should not curl up or be pulled over the lower teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.
2. "Pancake".
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and hold it in this position, counting from 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the lips are not tense, do not stretch into a wide smile, so that the lower lip does not tuck or pull on the lower teeth. The tongue does not stick out far: it should only cover the lower lip. The lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.
3. “The tongue goes over the teeth.”
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue movements:
a) with a wide tongue touch the upper teeth from the outside, then from the inside;
b) with a wide tongue, touch the lower teeth from the outside, then from the inside.
When performing, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lower jaw and lips are motionless.
4. “Let’s brush our teeth.”
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Use the wide tip of your tongue to stroke your lower teeth, moving your tongue up and down. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, stops at the upper edge of the teeth and does not go beyond it, the lips are in a smiling position, and the lower jaw does not move.
5. "Slide".
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the tubercles behind the lower teeth, the back first rises until it touches the upper incisors, then lowers. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not leave the alveoli, and that the lips and lower jaw remain motionless.
6. "Reel".
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the lower incisors. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The wide tongue “rolls out” forward and retracts into the depths of the mouth. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lateral edges of the tongue slide over the molars, the tip of the tongue does not come off the incisors, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.
7. "Fence".
The teeth are closed. Lips in a smile. The upper and lower incisors are visible.
8. “Brushing our teeth.”
Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and “clean” your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, first moving your tongue from side to side, then from bottom to top.
9. “Comb.”
Lips in a smile. Bite your tongue with your teeth. “Drag” it between the teeth back and forth, as if “combing” it.
After the child has learned to perform basic articulation exercises correctly, I introduce the child to the articulatory pose based on a schematic image.
1. The lips are smiling.
2. Teeth at a small distance.
3. The tongue, wide, rests on the lower teeth, in the middle of the tongue there is a groove.
4. The air stream is strong and cold.
5. The neck does not buzz.
Then we learn to hold the articulatory position of the sound [C] and move directly to sound production.
These methods of sound production [C] were not invented by me, I only collected and systematized the most effective ones, which I actively use in my work.
Basic methods of sound production [C]
1 way.
By imitation.
Together with your child, sit in front of the mirror and show your child the correct articulation of the sound “C”. Ask the child to open his mouth, smile, spread his tongue, press the tense tip against the lower incisors and pass a “breeze” across the tongue, the sound “C” is heard.
2. method.
By imitation with the introduction of gaming techniques:
– pump up the wheel (ssss);
- a cold wind is blowing (sss);
— the balloon deflates (ssss);
- blow into a bottle with a narrow neck (you will get the sound s-s-s).
3 way.
From reference sounds.
For the sound “S” these are the sounds “I” and “F”.
The sound “F” is the same in the method of formation (slit, a directed air stream is practiced. The sound “I” is the same in the place of formation (front-lingual, the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors and the same rise of the front part of the back of the tongue.
Games and exercises for practicing sound articulation [and].
1. The child pronounces the sound [and] (make sure the articulation is correct, the adult finishes the word: i-grushka, i-golka, i-zbushka, i-riska, i-zum, i-kra, i-yun.
2. An adult names one object, a child names many: sock - socks, beep - beeps, castle - castles, sand - sands, chalk - crayons, lump - lumps. The sound is pronounced by the child with emphasis, highlighted by voice and articulation.
3. Select images of objects whose names contain the sound [and]. Let the child name them: willow, needles, frost, India, oriole. Please note that the words should not contain sounds that the child pronounces incorrectly.
After the speech organs are well prepared, the muscles of the articulatory apparatus are strengthened, and precise, coordinated movements are developed, you can proceed directly to sound production.
“Let’s remember the exercise “Kick the ball into the goal.” Smile wide, show your teeth and say the sound [i] to yourself. Now, with such a beautiful smile, blow on the ball.” When performing this exercise, it is important to ensure that the lips do not come close, do not cover the teeth, and that the tip of the tongue is strictly behind the lower teeth. The result is a weak but clear [c] sound. The pronunciation of sound is fixed in onomatopoeia.
4 way.
Use a cap from a regular ballpoint pen. The child clamps the stick with his teeth, and the air stream is directed into the cap, then I begin to automate the sound in syllables.
5 way.
The option of setting the sound C from the sound C is not common. The child pronounces the sound C for a long time. If this condition is met, the second component of the diphthong is heard - the sound C. The biggest difficulty is to draw the child’s attention and give him the opportunity to hear this sound. If you can’t immediately pronounce C in isolation, you can pronounce TsS, interrupting the sound with short pauses: TsS-S-S-S. Further pauses lengthen. And they immediately move on to pronouncing syllables.
6 way.
Setting the sound [C] during progeny (the lower jaw is pushed forward). Place your tongue on the lower incisors and pronounce the support sound T in this position. An almost clear sound [C] will be heard.
7 way
In case of progeny (the lower jaw protrudes forward), the sound C can be placed as follows: Place the tongue in the oral cavity so that it is pressed against the lower incisors along the entire perimeter, and the upper incisors should be placed on the tongue so that there is a small gap between them. The initial sound C will result from the passage of air through this gap. If a groove does not form, you can use a probe, a narrow spatula, a match, or a toothpick.
8 way
Setting the C sound with a high palate or absence of lower incisors. With this anomaly, the C sound is placed at the upper elevation of the tongue, when the tip rests on the upper incisors. The setting itself is carried out according to the classical scheme: working on the exhalation, forming a groove, etc. After the appearance of a muffled S with the sound Ш, they proceed to lowering the tip of the tongue down (which is no longer difficult to do).
9th method.
With lateral sigmatism, special preparatory work is necessary to activate the muscles of the lateral edges of the tongue, which, as a result of the exercises performed, can rise to close contact with the lateral teeth. When correcting lateral sigmatism, the child is taught to blow on the widely spread front edge of the tongue, then on the tip of the tongue between the teeth. Then the tongue is moved behind the teeth.
1. Agranovich, Z. E. To help speech therapists and parents: a collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers [Text] / Z. E. Agranovich. – St. Petersburg. :CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2006. – 160 p.
2. Budyonaya, T.V. Speech therapy gymnastics [Text] / T.V. Budyonaya. – St. Petersburg. :CHILDREN'S PRESS, 1999. – 64 p.
3. Zaglyada L. I., Simkin M. L. Methods and techniques for producing sounds in children with severe speech impairments [Text] / L. I. Zaglyada, M. L. Simkin. – Kemerovo: KRIPKiPRO Publishing House, 2009. – 117 p.
4. Polyakova, M. A. Self-instruction manual on speech therapy. Universal guide [Text] / M. A. Polyakova. – M.:Iris-press, 2008. – 208 p.
5. Rau, F. F. Techniques for correcting deficiencies in the pronunciation of phonemes. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy [Text] / F. F. Rau. – M.: Enlightenment, 1968. – 181 p.
6. Tkachenko, T. A. Speech therapy encyclopedia [Text] / T. A. Tkachenko. – M.: OOOTD “Publishing World of Books”, 2008. – 248 p.
A set of articulation exercises
Differentiation of whistling patients is based on the performance of exercises that the speech therapist selects individually. Among the most effective are the following:
- It is necessary to open your mouth wide in a smile without closing your teeth. After a few seconds, you can relax your lip muscles. The exercise is repeated 5-6 times.
- The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. You need to run the tip of your tongue along the gums, simulating brushing. First, attention is paid to the upper teeth, then to the lower teeth.
- The mouth stretches into a smile, after which the tip of the tongue should touch the corners of the lips one by one. The chin should be motionless at this moment.
- The tongue protrudes as much as possible. First, it must be pulled to the tip of the nose, and then to the chin. After this, you should alternately touch the wide side of your tongue to your lips.
- With your teeth completely closed, you should stretch your lips into a tube as much as possible. The exercise is repeated 5 times.
Types of sigmatism
The group of violations under consideration is divided into five subgroups:
- Interdental sigmatism - the tongue takes the wrong position between the teeth.
- Labial-dental - pronunciation is made using the lips and teeth.
- Lateral - a stream of air does not come out through the tip of the tongue, but on the sides.
- Dental - the tongue is pressed against the upper teeth.
- Hissing - the tongue moves from the front position to the back, which causes distortion of the sound.
- Nasal - the tongue tenses and moves back, presses against the larynx, directing the air stream upward.
The names of the species indicate the location of the impaired pronunciation. But despite the variety of disorders, the most common is interdental sigmatism. With it, the characteristics of the sound [s] are distorted (the whistle disappears and an incomprehensible weak noise is heard) due to the position of the tongue between the teeth. If, with correct articulation, air passes through the tip of the tongue along a groove that forms on the back of the tongue, then in a distorted position it is absent, contributing to the appearance of noise overtones.
The presence of such a speech defect in a child or in adults is due to a number of organic and sometimes behavioral reasons. Therefore, the correction of interdental sigmatism should begin with identifying all unfavorable factors.
How to consolidate the results of classes
To achieve the desired result, you should work with a speech therapist on an ongoing basis. It is strongly recommended not to quit classes at the first improvement in pronunciation. Sound fixation is carried out through automation. This process involves the use of individual sounds when pronouncing syllables, phrases and sentences. During classes with a speech therapist, you are given tasks that help improve your speaking skills. The automation stage is considered the most difficult. Activities help develop speaking skills and introduce learned sounds into everyday speech. The main task of parents is to facilitate the process by prompting and helping the child.
The most effective way to consolidate results is to read aloud. At the initial stages, you can pronounce simple tongue twisters. In the future, you need to move on to more voluminous texts. It is important to maintain a conversation with your baby. This not only trains speech, but also develops hearing.
For dysarthria in children, physiotherapy, drug treatment and speech therapy massage are used in combination with exercises. Dysarthria develops in 3-6% of cases. It is accompanied by increased tone and excessive tension in the muscles of the articulatory organs. A specific feature of the disease is the difficulty of overcoming defects. Therefore, the process of speech restoration takes much more time.
How to teach a child to pronounce the letter C?
The first step towards a solution should be taken towards finding the source of the problem, because teaching a child to say the letter C is possible only after the reason for the incorrect sound production has been identified.
Incorrect pronunciation
Reasons for difficulty
You need to pay attention to pronunciation from the age of 3. Most often, by the age of 4, the child himself corrects whistling, hissing and even [P]. If this does not happen, you need to think about the possible reasons for the delay in speech improvement:
- age-related imperfection of the speech apparatus;
- the child grows up in a family where two languages are actively used;
- flaccid tongue muscle;
- malocclusion;
- anatomical features of the tongue;
- presence in the family of people with incorrect pronunciation;
- incorrect phonemics.
Attention! If the family is bilingual, the child may borrow sounds from one language and use them in the other. Thus, the interdental sound from the English language becomes an everyday substitute for Russian [S].
A weak tongue muscle, as a cause of incorrect pronunciation, can be corrected through training. Performing simple but effective exercises will help strengthen it. At home with your child, you should play with horses more often, imitating the sound of clopping hooves. If you perform the exercise several times a day until a feeling of fatigue appears in the tongue, the muscle will quickly become stronger.
Exercise to strengthen the tongue muscle
Why does FFNR occur?
The problem of FFND affects almost a quarter of all babies. Speech underdevelopment begins to manifest itself in the first years of life, when the child learns to pronounce words. For children 2-3 years old, the problem is not critical and does not require adult intervention. In order for speech to develop in accordance with the child’s age-related abilities, you need to carefully monitor your articulation. Adult speech should not be hasty or unclear. The formation of his phonemic representation of his native language depends on how the child hears words.
Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech is manifested in the incorrect pronunciation of some letters, mainly paired consonants (t-d), by replacing complex ones with simple ones (l-r). When a child cannot distinguish sounds from a word by ear, does not perceive the difference in consonant syllables, distorted speech is formed.
Attention! If this defect is not corrected by the age of 5-6 years, it will develop into incorrect written representation of words. Children who have not been treated to correct the perception of sound by ear and its pronunciation develop dysgraphia - erroneous spelling of words, accompanied by a stable replacement of syllables in a word, and rearrangement of letters.
Exercises for home practice on pronouncing the letter P for children
Preparation of the speech apparatus at home
The sound [C] is introduced in stages; classes begin with mastering the motor abilities of the tongue, which will definitely be useful for clear pronunciation of other sibilants.
Articulatory gymnastics for sounds (s, s, z, z, z)
Before you teach your child to say the letter C at home, he needs to be trained to control his tongue. A fun exercise called "Turkey". The child is told a random short rhyme about a poultry yard, after which he is asked to reproduce a turkey babble: it looks like the combination “bl-bl-bl”, but the tongue should be sharply thrown forward behind the teeth and come back, as if lining the upper lip from the inside and outside alternately.
Exercise "Turkey"
Attention! The “horse” exercise is highly effective, during which the child, sucking and lifting his tongue from the palate, imitates the clicking of hooves.
Finger exercises
Finger gymnastics brings the speech centers of the brain into an active phase, which has a positive effect on the development of speech, therefore rhythmic rhymes like “Forty-forty cooked porridge” are important in the development of pronunciation. Be sure to play for 5 minutes every day.
Working on breathing
The stages of teaching preschoolers the correct sound pronunciation include mandatory breathing work. The child needs to be taught to exhale air forcefully; to do this, a piece of paper or a “spinner” toy is placed at a short distance from him, which begins to move when there is a strong gust of air flow. The child should blow forcefully at the target, pursing his lips like a tube.
Another important lesson in breathing control is to control the rise and fall of the chest as you inhale and exhale. To turn the exercise into a game, you can place a tennis ball on your chest. When you exhale sharply, it will fall. The goal of the exercise is to throw the ball off your chest as many times as possible.
Mimic gymnastics for sound production [C]
Lessons on facial expressions with a speech therapist to pronounce the letter C are based on stretching the lips in a smile and slightly open teeth. If the lesson is held in a group of children, a competition is announced for the widest smile that will last longer than the rest.
Attention! An indicator of a correctly performed exercise will be a slight pain in the facial muscles on the cheeks.
Note to parents
The sounds “ts”, “s”, “sh” can be made at home. In this case, responsibility for the outcome of the training falls on the shoulders of the parents. The following principles must be kept in mind:
- The load on the speech apparatus increases gradually. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to learn new information.
- During the exercises, it is recommended to make associations with the world of animals and insects. The sounds “s” and “z” are compared to the squeaking of a mosquito.
- It is necessary to allow the child to independently find a comfortable position for the organs of articulation to reproduce insulating sounds.
- If your child does the exercises without enthusiasm, it is better to stop exercising. This indicates that he is tired.
- Classes must be regular. The optimal frequency is 2-3 times a week. The duration depends on the nature of the baby’s speech deviation.
- When performing mechanical production of sound pronunciation, objects that are not dangerous to the child should be used. It is desirable that this be a special speech therapy probe.
Speech exercises to reinforce the pronunciation of the sound “C”
Pronouncing the hard sound “S” in straight syllables
1. Pronounce or read the syllables, extending the “s” sound:
- “sa-sa-sa”; “sy-sy-sy-sy”; “su-su-su-su”; “so-so-so-so.”
- “sa-sy-so-su”; “sy-so-su-sa”; “so-su-sa-sy”; “su-sa-sy-so.”
2. Game “Memorize and repeat”:
- “sa-sa-so”; "so-sa-so"; "so-sa-ea"; “sy-sa-sy”; “sa-sy-sy”; “sa-sy-sa”; “sa-sa-sy”; “sy-so-su”; “su-ey-su.”
3. Repeat the nursery rhyme and remember it:
- Sa-sa-sa - here comes the fox.
- So-so-so - she rolls the wheel.
- Sy-sy-sy - a fox has a red tail.
- Su-su-su - we are not afraid of the fox.
Pronouncing syllables
- “So”: juice, catfish, sleep, Sonya, soda, falcon, litter, hill, barefoot, oblique, sand, sock, forest, belt, spikelet, wheel, bean, tall, sedge.
- “Sa”: himself, garden, lard, sleigh, Sasha, sugar, cod, sleigh, wasp, fox, braid, dew, bite, write, beauty, sausage, stripe, sambo, landing, mustachioed, kindergarten, write.
- “Su”: soup, bough, court, bag, vessel, dishes, carry, draw, carry, vessel.
- “Sy”: cheese, son, owl, full, scales, mustache, noses, scarf, parcel, rash, mound.
Pronunciation of words
1.With unstressed syllables:
- Salad, gardens, boot, fireworks, cash register, mass, plane, sundress, Larisa, rat, be able to, chest, souvenir, cheese, son, raw, wasps, beads, rails, hair, blond, send.
At this stage, it is recommended to use visual material, card indexes of subject pictures, and playful work techniques.
2. Pronounce the syllables correctly:
- “ska-sko-sku-sky”; “sla-slo-slu-sly”; “sma-smo-smo-smy”;
- “swa-swo-swo-swa”; “spa-spo-spo-spa”; “hundred-hundred-stu-sty.”
3. Read or say “difficult” words - with a combination of consonants:
- Pile, dump, dump, your, firmament; rolling pin, roll down, tablecloth, bench, fast, Glory, sweet, elephant, word, hearing; could, we can, wash away, dare, sheaf, again, dreams; sleep, dispute, sport, satellite, confuse, camp, steel, put, put, old man, glass, get, stand up; one hundred, table, so much, stand; tincture; chair, knock, steps, offense, deed.