Automation of sound [Ш]card file for speech therapy (senior group)
Exercises for producing hissing sounds in children Sound pronunciation is formed in children already from
 Stages of speech formation are normal (according to A.A. Leontiev).
Early childhood and speech development Early age (from birth to 3 years) is special
The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation.
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound production [r].
Features of articulation The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation (if the child does not have other speech problems, for example, dysarthria)
Formation of the correct sound pronunciation of hissing sounds in preschoolers at home
One can understand the excitement of parents who suddenly discover that their child, a preschooler, is poorly or
“Liguria” is the longest and most complex tongue twister in the world
According to the results of a study by modern Russian scientists, at least 15% of the Russian population have serious
Drug treatment for autism, developmental disorders, ADHD, dysarthria
Causes of dysarthria Dysarthria in children accompanies cerebral palsy in 65-85% of cases. In less pronounced forms
Alalia in a child
Alalia signs, symptoms and treatment of sensory and motor alalia.
Home → Information about diseases → Alalia signs, symptoms and treatment of sensory and motor
What is the subject, tasks and laws of rhetoric?
Rhetoric and oratory skills to convince anyone - tips
It is important for every person to be able to communicate, since such a skill is a good assistant in
The fastest reading of the tongue twister Liguria. Tongue twister Liguria with accents
Features of “Liguria” In fact, “Liguria” is not just the most complex tongue twister. This
What is preschool defectology: diagnoses and current problems of speech therapy
General information Defectology (special or correctional pedagogy) is a science that studies the patterns of development,
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