Speech material for automating the sound P in sound combinations -DR-, -TR- in syllables, words, sentences and verses. educational and methodological material on speech therapy on the topic
Fragment of a speech therapy lesson at DR Similar posts: Rotacism in speech - complete information Rotacism
Sound production Methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Violation of pronunciation To choose the right teaching tactics and understand how to make the sound “Ch” you need
meaning of the word speaker
What qualities should a speaker have: tips for speaking in front of an audience
Speaker Who is a speaker? How is he different from a speaker? Who is a speaker? Is it possible
tongue twisters with the letter r
Libretto "Rigoletto". Tongue twisters for children with the letter "r"
Children need to start pronouncing tongue twisters from an early age - this also includes clear pronunciation of all
Exercises for sensory alalia
Speech therapy classes and exercises for sensory alalia
Sensory alalia is a disorder in which a child’s speech does not develop due to a lack of understanding of words.
Mechanical, functional, phonemic dyslalia: definition, causes, types, diagnosis, treatment of dyslalia in Saratov, in Russia, how to treat, how to cure tongue-tiedness
What is dyslalia in children? The defect is characterized by a violation of the pronunciation of sounds and their pathological use. At
Means of expression in a poem. What are means of expressive speech?
Lexical means: tropes Allegory - Themis (woman with scales) - justice. Replacing an abstract concept
Language means of expression
Development of a literature lesson in grade 5 “Means of artistic expression”
Lexical means: tropes Allegory - Themis (woman with scales) - justice. Replacing an abstract concept
Understanding the means of artistic expression, symbolism can be found in literally everything
Reference material “Means of expressive speech”
Why do we need means of artistic expression? ... life is not the best, but a bad screenwriter, Whose
Unified State Exam Russian language. Express preparation. Task No. 26. Language means of expression.
Lexical means: tropes Allegory - Themis (woman with scales) - justice. Replacing an abstract concept
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