Pictures of clothes for children 3-4 years old, cards for activities and games in kindergarten
Home Speech therapists Teaching preschoolers is much more effective if a teacher or parent uses visual materials.
Diagnosis and correction of motor alalia in children
About speech therapy diagnoses and classifications Talking about speech therapy classifications and diagnoses is very popular
Features of speech of children 6-7 years old
By the age of 6-7 years, the child masters speech so well that he can easily communicate about familiar things.
The sequence of sound production in speech therapy for children. Table, diagram
The sequence of sound production in speech therapy for children. Table, diagram
A child who goes to 1st grade must be able to read and write. If there are any deviations
Introducing older and preparatory children to the letter Y and the sound (I short). Outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Hard and soft consonant sounds Our train arrived at station No. 1. But it happened here
Short frenulum of the tongue
Short frenulum of the tongue. Trim or stretch?
Unfortunately, even parents not privy to medical subtleties are familiar with the opinion that short
Summary of logorhythmic gcd in the middle group “Visiting grandma”
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson in the middle group for children with special needs (in the context of the formation of universal educational actions) outline of a speech therapy lesson (secondary group) on the topic
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Summary of logorhythmic gcd in
Do parents in kindergarten need consultations on speech therapy?
Speech therapy consultations for parents in kindergarten Speech therapy consultations prepared for parents in kindergarten
Regulations on the organization of work of a speech therapist teacher in a kindergarten that does not have specialized groups in its structure
Approximate scheme for conducting an individual speech therapy session: Exercises for the formation and development of articulatory motor skills: exercises
Structures of frontal, subgroup and individual speech therapy classes. presentation on speech therapy on the topic
The structure of a speech therapy lesson The structure of a speech therapy lesson The organizational and plot basis of classes can be very
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