"EXPOCOT 2011" - PRESENTATION OF THE BURMAN BREED Burmese cats are luxury, exclusivity, grace and
Lexical topic “Transport” Lexical topic “Transport” (02/05/18-02/09/18) senior group No. 10 Tasks Integrated educational areas
Functional dysphonia is a disorder of vocal function in which there is incomplete closure of the vocal folds,
Home - About speech therapy - Automation of sound pronunciation - when can you stop practicing? Our
Among the back-lingual phonemes, the articulatory structure of the sound [K] is considered basic. Automation [K] in syllables and
Developed by: teacher-speech therapist Olikova Alla Yuryevna MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 1 “Smile”
Speech therapy massage is one of the methods used to correct speech. It is prescribed for difficult
Article: A child’s speech at 1 year old depends on how the preparatory work was carried out
Aphasia is a systemic speech disorder that occurs with organic brain lesions and covers various