A speech therapy examination of children 4-5 years old is necessary to determine the level of their speech, communicative and emotional-volitional development. The study is carried out comprehensively and consists of an examination of the child’s speech and non-speech capabilities, analysis of anamnestic data and conversations with parents and teachers (if it takes place in kindergarten).
The topic will be complemented by our previous material on speech therapy massage for children.
Speech therapy diagnostics of preschool children
Speech therapy diagnostics consists of the following:
- Filling out the medical history card by the teacher and parents;
- Examination of the child’s fine, general and articulatory motor skills;
- Studying the volume of vocabulary (passive - understood, and active - pronounced) of the baby;
- Checking the state of grammatical structure, phonemic processes (perception, analysis and synthesis of sounds) and coherent speech.
Speech therapy diagnostics of a younger preschooler
Akimenko speech examination technique
In modern kindergartens, V. M. Akimenko’s technique is used for speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders. This is an automatic computer program that conducts testing and processes the received data. Diagnostics is carried out in 15 main sections, includes tasks for children, detailed instructions and methodological materials for a speech therapist.
Additional Information! After testing, the program allows you to make a speech therapy conclusion, make an accurate diagnosis of a speech disorder and outline the process of correctional work.
Study of the state of phonemic perception
The state of phonemic awareness is tested by playing "Parrot". The baby is given the task of repeating two sounds: ka - ga; pa - ba; ba - on. Then a complication occurs - you need to repeat not the sounds, but the words: bowl - bear, varnish - cancer.
Checking compliance with the pattern and sound-syllable structure of the word
Compliance with the pattern is the order of reproduction of syllables in a word. A preschooler can “cut off” difficult-to-pronounce sounds in his speech (ka - mouse), or rearrange them (barelina - ballerina). When examining five-year-old preschoolers, you can use words consisting of 3-4 syllables, as well as materials with a combination of consonants.
Child's classes with a speech therapist
Study of pronunciation and speech production
The study of pronunciation and speech production includes:
- study of the articulatory apparatus and articulatory motor skills;
- state of sound pronunciation;
- reproduction of individual sounds and words, as well as coherent speech.
In the methodology for examining the articulatory apparatus, special attention is paid to the organs of articulation: tongue (long, short); teeth; soft palate (gothic, high, normal); lips (normal, cleft lip, thin, thick). Articulatory motor skills play an important role in pronunciation. Basic exercises: tongue with a spatula and a needle, puff out your cheeks, smile and make a straw with your lips.
Breathing exercises for the development of speech breathing in children
Speech therapy diagnostics carried out for children 3-4 years old include a large number of exercises performed by imitation - the speech therapist shows them and then performs them together with the child. In older preschool age, preschoolers perform tasks from memory and only practice new exercises with an imitation teacher (however, they should not be included in the speech therapy examination).
Additional Information! The state of pronunciation and speech reproduction is checked using pictures using the task method: “Show me where...”. There should be a lot of picture material for every sound and syllable.
Didactic material for express examination of sound pronunciation
To enroll in a speech therapy center, the speech therapist teacher must conduct a rapid examination of the entire group. Children with FFDD are enrolled in the speech therapy center. FFNR is caused primarily by a violation of sound pronunciation. Therefore, the speech therapist must have material for prompt mass examination of children in order to identify those in need of speech therapy help.
There is a manual by the country's leading speech therapists. Konovalenko V.V. and Konovalenko S.V. "Rapid examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age." In my opinion, it is no different in scope from the manuals recommended for in-depth examination of children.
That's why. I developed and developed speech material for an express examination of the pronunciation of sounds for preschool children.
The structure of the express examination for each sound is as follows:
First, we check the sound pronunciation in sentences rich in a given sound. Tongue twisters and sentences of complex and simple structure are used here.
If the child pronounces correctly, you can additionally check in his own speech. To do this, ask them to come up with suggestions based on the pictures. Based on the sentences compiled, it will be possible to judge how well the grammatical categories are formed. If it turns out that there is no understanding of grammatical forms (singular and plural nouns, feminine and masculine forms, incorrect use of cases), then you can continue working on the pictures: offer to name objects in singular. and in plural including, first name feminine objects, then masculine ones, etc.
Then move on to checking another sound.
If a defect is detected, continue the examination in the pronunciation of words of different syllable structures. It is advisable for the child to name the objects (objects) in the pictures. The words are selected taking into account the sequence in accordance with the main groups/classes of the syllabic structure of words.
And as a result, the isolated pronunciation of the sound is checked, as well as in forward and backward syllables, in syllables with a confluence.
This teaching material is printed on photographic paper, placed in a folder with files for 20 pieces. I always carry it with me. Very comfortably. When examining, I simply turn the pages.
I would appreciate your feedback.
(Whistling sounds. Sounds S - S)
Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. There is a tall pine tree in the forest.
Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own. Sonya bought juice.
2. Name and repeat: Beads - dog - soup - forest - sock - scooter - table - masks - shepherd - bench
3. Repeat: S-S-S-S-S sa – so – su – sy; as – os – us – ys;
ska - sko - hundred - stu - sleep - dreams - spa - sleep;
4. Repeat:
Senya is carrying hay in the canopy
Don't be afraid - it's a goose, Plums are hanging on a branch.
Senya will sleep on the hay. I'm afraid of him myself. Vasya is herding geese.
5. Name - repeat: Sieve - fox cubs - seven - goose - autumn - cornflower - snow - plums - traffic light
6. Repeat:
sya – syo – syu – si; as - axis - us;
slya - sli - laugh - stya - shame - sti - sleeping - sleep - sleep - all - all - all;
(Whistling sounds. Sounds З - Зь)
1. Repeat:
Zoya is the bunny's mistress, Zoya has a mimosa. Zoya puts a mimosa in a vase.
The bunny is sleeping in Zoya's basin.
2. Name - repeat: Goat - alphabet - tooth - cart - fence - name - umbrella - nest - Dunno
3. Repeat: Z-Z-Z-Z for - zo - zu - zy; az – oz – uz – yz; zva – zvo – zda – zdo – zna – zna;
4. Name it - repeat: My little goat has green eyes. A goat gnaws on green cabbage.
In winter, Zina's nose gets cold. Kuzya goes to the museum.
5. Name - repeat: Winter - newspaper - goat - shop - snake - grain - monkey - strawberry
3. Repeat: zy - ze - zy - zi; azi – oz – uz – iz;
zve – zvi – zve; I know - I know - I know - I know; serpent - serpent;
(Whistling sounds. Sound Ts)
1.Repeat: From the neighboring well Chicken and hen The hare sits under an acacia bush.
Water flows all day long. They drink water on the street. There is water in the well.
2. Name - repeat: Face - chicken - chain - hare - well - saucer - flower - towel
3. Repeat: Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts ats - ots - uts - ets - its; tsa - tso - tsy - tse; tsva - tsve - tsvi;
(Hissing sounds. Sh sound)
1.Repeat: Hush, mice, don’t make noise, Masha sewed for the monkey, Dasha washes her neck and ears in the shower.
Don't wake our cat. A fur coat, a hat and pants. The mouse has a hat.
2. Name - repeat: Porridge - reeds - jester - shower - bag - cockerel - closet - cherry - grandmother - sunshine
3. Repeat: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh sha - sho - shu - shi - she; ash - osh - ush - ish - ysh; shka - shko - shku
(Hissing sounds. Sound F)
4. Repeat: The beetle has fallen and cannot fly. Without sparing its legs, the hedgehog runs.
He is waiting for someone to help him. The hedgehog has a hedgehog.
5. Name - repeat: Skis - greedy - beetle - hedgehog - pie - spoon - scissors - skier - snowdrop
6. repeat: Zh-Zh-Zh-Zzha - zho - zhu - zhi - zhe; waiting - waiting - waiting; zhna - zhno - zhnu - zhzhny;
(Hissing sounds. Sound Ch)
7. Repeat: Water, water, wash my face. Tanya is swinging on a swing. The girl bakes cookies.
8. Name - repeat: Clock - swing - tea - ball - rich man - candle - barrel - cookies - Snow Maiden
9. Repeat: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch ach - och - uch - ich; cha - che - chu - chi;
chnya - chne - chnyu - chni; honor - honor - honor;
(Hissing sounds. Shch sound)
10. Repeat: I drag the pike, I drag it, The puppy squeaks in the gorge. Children are looking for a puppy.
I won't miss the pike.
11. Name - repeat: Pike - shield - cape - puppy - pliers - brush - click - glazier - traffic controller
12. Repeat: sch-sch-sch-sch - sch sch - sch - sch - sch; sha - schu - schu - cabbage soup;
schnya - schnyu - schni; vscha – vschu – vschi;
(Sonoras: Р – Рь)
1.Repeat: A mole climbed into our yard, Vera and Roma are drumming on a drum.
Digging the ground at the gate. There are carps in the pond.
2. Name - repeat: Feather - cow - cancer - ball - ram - tomato - pipe - watermelon - tram - grapes
3. Repeat: R-R-R-R-R ra - ro - ru - ry; ar - or - ur - yr; tra - tro - tru - tra; sconce - bro - bru;
4. Repeat: At my sister Marina’s, Rita and Varya are making jam.
Cheeks like tangerines. Marina is cooking rice.
5. Name - repeat: Turnip - rowan - lantern - cucumber - mushrooms - tourist - backpack - mittens - apricots
6. Repeat: rya - re - ryu - ri; ar - or - ur - yr; quack - cre - cru - cree; three - three - three;
(Sonoras: L - L)
7. Repeat: A young elk ran through golden straw. Mila was washing the floor in the classroom. Alla was eating an apple.
8. Name - repeat: Soap - milk - onion - pencil case - table - wolf - squirrel - lightning - flower bed - needle
9. Repeat: L-L-L-L-L al - ol - ul - yl; la - lo - lu - ly;
kla - klo - klu - slu - slo - sly - plo - ply - gla - glo - glu;
10. Repeat: They stomped and stomped, they stomped until they reached the poplar, Luda watered the tulips from a watering can.
They stomped all the way to the poplar, but their feet stomped. Lena has a green ribbon.
11. Name - repeat: Log - lion - lemon - vacuum cleaner - watering can - frog - snail - refrigerator
12. Repeat: la - le - lyu - li; al - ol - ul - il; for - for - for - for; vlya - slyo - angry - pli;
How is a speech therapy examination performed for children with speech disorders?
The Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) conducts a comprehensive speech therapy examination for children with speech disorders in order to issue the correct conclusion and subsequent correction in a specialized kindergarten. The examination is divided into stages:
- Conversation with parents and filling out an anamnesis card (child development before birth and the first 3 years of life).
- Studying the child’s motor skills and his organs of articulation. At this stage, the child’s mental characteristics (communication, behavior) and the type of breathing used by the baby are also noted.
- The level of violations of sound pronunciation, grammatical and lexical structure of speech is revealed.
- Diagnosing disorders in coherent speech, as well as determining the volume of passive (understood) and active (pronounced) vocabulary.
Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission
Main examination criteria (type, volume, smoothness of non-speech and speech breathing, duration of speech exhalation).
In speech therapy in children, there are 3 types of breathing: thoracic (as you inhale, the chest expands), diaphragmatic (normal) and clavicular (shoulders rise). Determined at rest, the baby should sit, lie or stand.
The volume and strength of the air stream are revealed using exhalation exercises - blow on a dandelion (in spring and summer) or special speech therapy material (you can print out a flower and “plant” a ladybug on it, which needs to be blown away).
The smoothness of non-speech and speech breathing is determined by the consistency of stops in the child’s speech. And the duration of speech exhalation is the number of words that a child can pronounce on exhalation (at four years old this is 5-7 words normally).
Additional Information! It is important to actively develop a child’s breathing in early preschool age. This can be done with the help of special exercises from the teaching aids for the Federal State Educational Standard.
Physiological characteristics and imperfections in sound pronunciation in preschool children
At the age of 4-5 years, children usually have all their baby teeth. Imperfections in sound pronunciation may be due to low mobility of the articulatory organs and the special structure of the articulatory apparatus.
It is considered normal if a preschooler by the age of 5 does not yet have complex sounds such as “r”, “sh” and “l”. After a year or two, they can stand up on their own, without speech therapy help.
Innovative speech therapy technologies: syncwine
Study of the state of impressive (understandable) speech
The state of impressive speech is carried out using didactic material and special aids. The teacher calls the object: “Show me the plane,” the child must point to it.
Testing of non-speech mental functions
Testing of non-speech mental functions includes the following studies:
- state of sound perception (where the sound comes from, differentiation of musical instruments);
- state of visual perception (show a certain color, shape);
- completeness of motor skills (manual, general, fine, articulatory).
Anamnesis data collection questionnaire
In the anamnestic data collection questionnaire, the main questions are the following:
- nature of pregnancy;
- the presence of chronic diseases in parents and close relatives;
- injuries during childbirth;
- injuries within 3 years of life;
- basic skills (at what time the child raised his head, began to sit, stand and walk, uttered the first sounds and words).
Speech therapy examination of a non-speech child
The examination should be unobtrusive, since non-verbal children are often susceptible to aggression. You can’t tell your baby: “Repeat, tell me.” Instead: “Show me.”
For example: The state of phonemic awareness of a non-speech child is checked using sets of pictures.
Assignment: “Show me where the bowl is? Where’s the bear?”
Materials for the task: bowl, bear, kidney, barrel, crayfish, varnish, eyes, thunderstorm, goat, scythe.
To increase the interest of modern children in classes, instead of the usual didactic materials in pictures, you can make a presentation on electronic media.
Study of the state of respiratory and vocal functions
In the state of respiratory and vocal function, the type of breathing (thoracic, clavicular, diaphragmatic), the strength and smoothness of the air stream and the number of words pronounced on exhalation are noted (the norm by 5 years is 5-7 words).
Study of nonverbal components of communication
As non-verbal components of communication, non-speech children most often use gestures (pointing with fingers, hand), facial expressions and onomatopoeia or sound complexes (one sound, for example “ta”, may have several definitions - doll, dog, car, etc.). To develop speech, you should not go deep into their study, but you need to pay attention to exercises that “trigger” the child’s speech.
Additional Information! A good guide for homework would be T. A. Tkachenko’s book “Speech Therapy Exercises,” intended for preschoolers aged 4-7 years.
Nonverbal Components of Communication
Speech therapy examination is an important part of the development and formation of children’s speech. In the process, possible speech disorders are identified and methods for their correction are immediately prescribed (classes with a teacher, or referral to a specialized kindergarten).
The purpose and objectives of speech therapy examination
Daria Kolesnik
The purpose and objectives of speech therapy examination
A speech therapy examination of a child is extremely necessary to determine the level of his speech development.
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children with minimal brain dysfunctions, which lead to impaired development of higher mental functions, including speech. The diagnostic study of such children presents certain difficulties, since this group of children has not only speech, but also communicative and emotional-volitional disorders of varying degrees of severity.
Thus, a diagnostic study, on the one hand, makes it possible to determine the violation or immaturity of functional systems, including speech, and thereby approach the cause of the difficulties experienced by the child, and on the other hand, a comprehensive diagnosis helps to determine special correctional teaching methods that can provide assistance in overcoming these difficulties.
Purpose of speech therapy examination
The speech therapy examination based on general principles and methods of pedagogical examination : it must be complex, holistic and dynamic, but at the same time it must have its own specific content aimed at analyzing speech disorders. The complexity, integrity and dynamism of the examination are ensured by the fact that all aspects of speech and all its components are examined, moreover, against the background of the entire personality of the subject , taking into account the data of his development - both general and speech.
The subject of speech therapy examination is to identify the characteristics of speech formation and speech disorders in children with various developmental disorders. The object of speech therapy examination is speech and closely related non-speech processes. The subject of the examination is a person (a child suffering from a speech disorder. At the present stage of development of pedagogy, the subject-subject basis of the relationship between a teacher and a student has been proven. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about a child with a speech disorder not as an object, but as a subject of the pedagogical process.
So what is a speech therapy examination ?
A speech therapy examination is a set of measures aimed at identifying speech disorders in the subject through a comprehensive and complete study of speech, its individual components, taking into account personal development data from an early age.
Speech therapy examination includes 2 independent sections:
— “General diagnostics”
(memory, attention, counting, thinking, emotions)
— “Speech diagnostics”
(oral speech, reading, writing, auditory-verbal memory)
The main purpose of the examination is to assess the development of speech, that is, the degree of compliance of the level of speech development, especially the coherence of speech and its communicative function, with age standards, to determine the ways and means of correctional and developmental work.
Objectives of speech therapy examination
tasks follow from the goal :
1) identification of features of speech development for subsequent consideration when planning and conducting the educational process;
2) identifying negative trends in development to determine the need for further in-depth study;
3) identifying changes in speech activity to determine the effectiveness of teaching activities.
The following tasks are also highlighted :
1) identifying the volume of speech skills;
2) comparing it with age norms, with the level of mental development;
3) determination of the relationship between the defect and the compensatory background of speech activity and other types of mental activity;
4) analysis of the interaction between the process of mastering the sound side of speech, the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure;
5) determining the ratio of impressive and expressive speech.
The speech therapy literature presents a large number of methods for examining speech (Filicheva T. E., Chirkina G. V., 1985; Zhukova N. S., Mastyukova E. M., Filicheva T. B., 1990; Usanova O. N., 1990; Volkova L.S., 1995, etc.). What they have in common is that they analyze the phonetic-phonemic, lexical, and grammatical levels of speech development with varying degrees of detail and make judgments about the child’s coherent speech.
Each child should be examined individually , depending on the nature and severity of the speech disorder, with selective use of standard speech therapy tasks .
During a speech therapy examination of a child, a systematic approach to the analysis of speech disorders should be fully used: not only the impaired component of speech activity is identified, but also its relationship with other disorders or intact components of speech. It must be remembered that speech disorders can appear selectively against the background of normal intelligence and intact sensory functions (auditory and visual)
. If a violation of any component of speech is detected, it is necessary to check the degree of possible violation of other speech processes dependent on it. The manifestation of speech disorders can be both a cause and a consequence of any other disorders.
When choosing tasks, it is necessary to take into account the normal state of speech development for the child’s age.
When conducting a speech therapy examination, the following methods are used:
• Study of documentation;
• Conversation method;
• Speech therapy testing;
• Observational method.
Before the examination begins, the speech therapist must study all documents (characteristics, expert opinions)
A preliminary analysis of documents allows the speech therapist to build a hypothesis for his examination in order to identify speech problems.
It is advisable to begin the speech therapy examination procedure with a conversation . During the conversation, it becomes clear what the child’s speech environment is like, whether he is aware of his speech deficiency (if any)
and how he reacts to it.
Have parents contacted a speech therapist before , what correctional work was carried out and what was its result. Before conducting an examination of the child , it is necessary to find out what speech deficiencies, in the opinion of the parents (legal representatives), the child has, what difficulties he is experiencing in learning. It is also necessary to clarify information about early speech development (if it has not been obtained earlier or is insufficient)
Before starting the actual speech therapy examination , it is necessary to check the child’s physical hearing, since speech disorders are often caused by hearing loss. With normal hearing, a child should hear and repeat words and phrases spoken in a whisper at a distance of 6-7 meters from the auricle. When testing hearing, visual perception of speech should be excluded. The boundaries of perception of whispered speech are determined: the perception of a whisper at a distance of less than 3 meters indicates the need for a special consultation with an audiologist to clarify the state of hearing.
Only after all these procedures can you begin to directly examine the state of the child’s speech.
After the examination , a conclusion is made about the state of the child’s speech, and the necessary development program is recommended, which takes into account his speech, age and individual psychophysiological characteristics.
The system of speech therapy examination is described in the literature on speech therapy and developed in various instructive, directive and methodological documents. But, when examining a child , one should not forget that no scheme can provide for all cases of speech impairment in children. Therefore, a speech therapist can fully use the entire arsenal of techniques and tools available to him.
Analyzing the data from a speech therapy examination , the speech therapist determines which group the disorders identified in the child should be classified into.
The examination is carried out comprehensively, dynamically, comprehensively and makes it possible to outline an individual plan for the most effective assistance to the child, to see the general speech situation and trends in its development, to conduct high-quality functional diagnostics of speech disorders in the initial stages of education, to make a speech diagnosis: the degree and nature of the impairment of oral and written speech . This is necessary for the correct organization of an individual approach in frontal, subgroup and individual classes.
Methods for speech therapy diagnostics of children in preschool educational institutions
— Examination of oral speech of children of senior preschool age (O.B. Inshakova).
— Methodology for examining speech disorders in children of preschool and primary school age (Volkova G.A.).
— Examination of speech development (according to O.E. Gribova).
— Examination of the speech of preschool children aged 3-6 years (Tkachenko T.A.).
-In-depth speech therapy examination of preschool children with ODD (according to Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.).
— Study of speech development of children 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 years old (edited by Strebeleva E.A.).
— Test method. Diagnostics of oral speech for 6-7 years old (T.A.Fotekova, T.Akhutina)
-Album on speech development. Speak correctly (V.S. Volodina)
-Album on speech development for the little ones (O. Novikovskaya)
Literature for speech therapists in preschool educational institutions
1. Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents. A collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers. – SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2005.
2.Arkhipova E.F. Erased dysarthria in children. – M., 2008.
3. Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. – M., St. Petersburg, 1996.
4.Volkova G.A. Methodology for psychological and speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders. Questions of differential diagnosis: Educational and methodological manual,: CHILDHOOD-PRESS,. 2004 - 144 p.
Volkova G.A. Methods for examining speech disorders in children. –– SPb.: RGPU im. A.I. Herzen, 1993. – 45 p.
6.Ivanova Yu.V. Preschool speech center. Documentation, planning and organization of work. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2011.
7. Komarova L.A. Album of a preschooler Automation of sound in game exercises. M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2008.
8.Kosinova E.M. My first book of knowledge. About everything in the world. The ABC of correct pronunciation. – M., OLISS, Eksmo Publishing House, 2005.
9. Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly! Speech therapy manual for children and parents. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2003.
10. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: A manual for speech therapists and parents. – St. Petersburg: Delta, 1999.
11. Lopatina L. V., Pozdnyakova L. A. Speech therapy work on the development of intonation expressiveness of speech of preschool children. - St. Petersburg: CDK prof. L. B. Baryaeva, 2010.
12.Matykina I.A. There are no difficult sounds: Notes on complex individual speech therapy sessions for children of senior preschool age. – Barnaul: IP Kolmogorov I.A., 2014.
13. Nishcheva N.V. A comprehensive educational program of preschool education for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2021.
14. Osmanova G.A. Speech therapist for parents. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.
15. Paramonova L.G. Sound pronunciation disorders in children. – St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2005.
16. Approximate adapted basic educational program for preschoolers with severe speech impairments /L. B. Baryaeva, T. V. Volosovets, O. P. Gavrilushkina, G. G. Golubeva and others; Under. ed. prof. L.V. Lopatina. 2nd ed., rev. and additional - St. Petersburg, 2015. - 448 p.
17. Pozhilenko E.A. Articulation gymnastics. – St. Petersburg, 2004.
18. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words (a manual for speech therapists). – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1999.
19. Development of an adapted basic educational program for preschool education for children with disabilities. Methodical manual / Under general. ed. T. A. Ovechkina, N. N. Yakovleva. - St. Petersburg: CDK prof. L. B. Baryaeva, 2015.
20. Work program of a speech therapist teacher in a preschool educational organization / Ed. Assoc. N.N. Yakovleva. - M.: UMC “Good World”, 2015.
Smirnova I.A. Speech therapy diagnostics, correction and prevention of speech disorders in preschool children with cerebral palsy. Alalia, dysarthria, OHP: Educational and methodological manual for speech therapists and defectologists. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2004. - 320 p.
22. Sedykh N.A. Education of correct speech in children: Practical speech therapy. – M.: LLC “AST Publishing House”; Donetsk: “Stalker”, 2004
23. Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Albums 1-4, M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007.
24. Yavorskaya O.N. Entertaining tasks for a speech therapist for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2015.
List of diagnostic tools for a teacher-defectologist.
1. N.L. Belopolskaya, Kogiton. Psychodiagnostic kit M: “Cogito-Center”, 2005
2. Zabramnaya S. D., Borovik O. V. Practical material for conducting psychological and pedagogical examination of children. – M.: Humanite. Ed. VLADOS Center, 2003 Diagnostic kit. Study of the features of the development of the cognitive sphere of children of preschool and primary school age / Comp. Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. – M.: ARCTI, 2000\
3. Peresleni L.I. Psychodiagnostic complex of methods for determining the level of development of cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren. – M.: “Iris-Press”, 2006
List of literature on the correctional and developmental work of a teacher-defectologist.
Sensory and sensorimotor development 1. Grigorieva L.P., Bernadskaya M.E., Blinnikova I.V., Solntseva O.G. Development of perception in a child.. - M., 2001 2. Agranovich Z.E. Didactic material on the development of visual perception and recognition (visual gnosis) in older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren – S.-P., 2003 3. Shevlyakova I.N. Program for the correction and development of visual perception and spatial thinking in children of primary school age. – M., 2003 4. Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of training and development of schoolchildren. – M., 2012 5. Metieva L. A., Udalova E. Ya. Development of the sensory sphere of children, M: “Prosveshchenie”, 2009 6. Inshakova O.B. Development and correction of grapho-motor skills in children 5-7 years old: In 2 hours, Part 1: Formation of visual-object gnosis and visual-motor coordination. - M: “Vlados”, 2003. Part 2: Formation of elementary graphic skills. - M: “Vlados”, 2003. Space-time relations 1. Semago N.Ya. Methodology for the formation of spatial representations in children of preschool and school age (M., 2007) 2. Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological correction in childhood. – M., 2007) Mental development 1. Yakovleva E.L. Development of attention and memory in schoolchildren. – M.: Inter. ped. academic, 1995 2. Babkina N.V. Intellectual development of junior schoolchildren with mental retardation. – M., 2006 3. Ishimova O. A., Khudenko E. D., Shakhovskaya S. N. Development of speech-thinking abilities of children, M: “Enlightenment” 2007 Normalization of leading activities 1. Leaders A.G. Formation of “attentive writing” among students in grades 3–4 // In the book. Markova A.K., Leaders -A.G., Yakovleva E.L. Diagnosis and correction of mental development at school age. – Petrozavodsk, 2008 2. L.N. Efimenkova Correction of oral and written speech - M., 2001. 3. T.A. Tkachenko Formation and development of coherent speech - St. Petersburg, 1999 4. Shevchenko S.G. Program for familiarization with the outside world and development of speech – M., 2005 Readiness to perceive educational material, the formation of skills and abilities necessary for mastering program material: 1. Program for Preparing for School Children with Mental Retardation / Under the general editorship of S.G. Shevchenko – M., 2004 2. Correctional and developmental education: Primary grades (I – IV). Preparatory class / Ed. S.G. Shevchenko. – M.: School press, 2004. 3. Shevchenko S.G. Familiarization with the world around us: Development of thinking and speech in children aged 5–7 years with mental retardation. - M.: School press, 2004. 4. Kapustina G.M. Preparation for teaching mathematics to children with mental retardation 5 - 7 years old. - M.: School press, 2004.
Methodical piggy bank
Impaired mental function
1. Current problems in diagnosing mental retardation in children. / Under. ed. K.S. Lebedinskaya. – M., 1982
2.Shevchenko S.G. Correctional and developmental training: Organizational and pedagogical aspects: Method. manual for primary school teachers of correctional and developmental education. – M: Humanist. ed. VLADOS center, 1999 – 136 p.
3. Belopolskaya N. L. Psychological diagnostics of the personality of children with mental retardation. – M.: Publishing house URAO, 1999
4. Children with mental retardation / Ed. T. A. Vlasova, V. I. Lubovsky, N. A. Tsypina. – M.: Pedagogy, 1984.
5. Diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children: A manual for teachers and specialists of correctional and developmental education / Ed. S. G. Shevchenko. – M.: ARKTI, 2001
6.Markovskaya I.F. Mental retardation (clinical and neuropsychological diagnostics). M.: ed. n/a Compensation Center, 1993
7. Zashirinskaya O.V. Psychology of children with mental retardation Speech, 2007
8. Belopolskaya N.L. Psychological diagnostics of the personality of children with mental retardation M: “Cogito-Center”, 2009
9. Drobinskaya O.A. Child with mental retardation: Understand to help M: School Press, 2005
10. Fishman M.N. Neurophysiological mechanisms of deviations in mental development in children M: Exam, 2006
11. Drobinskaya O.A. School difficulties of “non-standard” children M: “School Press”, 2006
1. Nikolskaya O., Fomina T., Tsypotan S. A child with autism in a regular school M: Chistye Prudy 2006
2.Peters T., Autism. From theoretical understanding to pedagogical impact
M: “Vlados”, 2002
3. Peters T., Gilbert K., Autism: medical and pedagogical impact M: “Vlados”, 2005
4. Nikolskaya O. S.,. Baenskaya E. R. Children and adolescents with autism. Psychological support M: Terevinf, 2005
5. Nikolskaya O. S., Baenskaya E. R., Liebling M. M., Autistic child. Ways of help M: Terevinf, 2005
6. Morozova S.S. Autism: Correctional work for severe and complicated forms: A manual for teachers-defectologists M: “Vdados”, 2007
Intellectual impairment
1. Gorskin B.B., Konyaeva N.P., Puzanov B.P. Teaching children with intellectual disabilities: Oligophrenopedagogy: Textbook for universities (edited by Puzanov B.P.) M: "Academy", 2008
2. Strebeleva E. A., Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities (visual material): a manual for teachers - defectologists: material for individual work with children M: “Vlados”, 2007
3. Strebeleva E. A., Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities. Book for teacher-defectologist M: “Vlados”, 2004
4. Isaev D.N. Mental retardation in children and adolescents. Guide for specialists and parents St. Petersburg: Speech 2007
cerebral palsy
1. Shipitsyna L. M., Mamaichuk I. I., Psychology of children with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system M: “Vlados”, 2004