Coloring book - letter B
“Introduction to the sound and letter “B” outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Today it has become the norm that a child entering school requires much more knowledge and
“Do-it-yourself didactic games for speech development” presentation on speech development on the topic
Progress of the game: 1. The teacher invites the child to arrange the figures according to shape. Name the color of your figures.
What should a two-year-old child be able to do according to the Munich Diagnostic System?
Development calendar: what a baby should be able to do at 2 years old
What should a two-year-old child be able to do according to the Munich Diagnostic System? For parents who want to know the norms of psychomotor
The puppy barks - an exercise to automate sound B
Automation of sound pronunciation - when can you stop practicing?
Home - About speech therapy - Automation of sound pronunciation - when can you stop practicing? Our
Articulatory profiles of sounds k and g
Game to automate the sounds G-K-H - correct speech defects
Among the back-lingual phonemes, the articulatory structure of the sound [K] is considered basic. Automation [K] in syllables and
Short-term project in a pre-school speech therapy group “Hello, book”
Developed by: teacher-speech therapist Olikova Alla Yuryevna MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 1 “Smile”
A game to automate the sounds Z-S-Ts – “whistles” are within our power!
activity for a child
Speech development of children from 1 to 2 years of age article on speech development on the topic
Article: A child’s speech at 1 year old depends on how the preparatory work was carried out
Features of speech of children 6-7 years old
By the age of 6-7 years, the child masters speech so well that he can easily communicate about familiar things.
The sequence of sound production in speech therapy for children. Table, diagram
The sequence of sound production in speech therapy for children. Table, diagram
A child who goes to 1st grade must be able to read and write. If there are any deviations
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