Correct speech
Today it has become the norm that a child entering school requires much more knowledge and
Progress of the game: 1. The teacher invites the child to arrange the figures according to shape. Name the color of your figures.
What should a two-year-old child be able to do according to the Munich Diagnostic System? For parents who want to know the norms of psychomotor
Home - About speech therapy - Automation of sound pronunciation - when can you stop practicing? Our
Among the back-lingual phonemes, the articulatory structure of the sound [K] is considered basic. Automation [K] in syllables and
Developed by: teacher-speech therapist Olikova Alla Yuryevna MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 1 “Smile”
Article: A child’s speech at 1 year old depends on how the preparatory work was carried out
By the age of 6-7 years, the child masters speech so well that he can easily communicate about familiar things.
A child who goes to 1st grade must be able to read and write. If there are any deviations