“Do-it-yourself didactic games for speech development” presentation on speech development on the topic

Progress of the game:

1. The teacher invites the child to arrange the figures according to shape. Name the color of your figures.

2. The teacher suggests collecting figures of the named color. All the figures are mixed and the child selects the figures only of the desired color.

3. The teacher suggests collecting the named figures. All figures are mixed. The child must select figures of only the named shape.

Didactic game : “Find your house”

Goal: to form a meaningful perception of the shape of geometric shapes,

the ability to compare your geometric figure with others, more

size and find the same ones among them;

develop attention, visual perception, intelligence.

Equipment: small cards depicting geometric shapes,

different in color and size (6 x8)

– circles, squares,

triangles; three larger geometric shapes, hoops.

Game rule: small cards are dealt to each player;

at the signal “Stop!”

everyone should stop, look at their figure and

look for the same in hoops;

at the signal “Find your house!”

you need to quickly run to the place.

Progress of the game:

The teacher places hoops and large geometric shapes in them in different places in the group or area. Children receive cards with images of geometric shapes.

The teacher says: “In this house there live circles, and in this house there are squares, etc.”

After this, the children are invited to “take a walk”

by group. At the teacher’s signal, the children find their house, comparing their figure with the one in the house.

The game is repeated several times, with the teacher changing the houses each time.

Didactic game “Bring and Show”

Goal: to form a meaningful perception of the shape of geometric shapes,

ability to use visual inspection of form, create

visual image and using it to select the desired object;

develop attention and memory;

develop the ability to productively participate in joint


Equipment: geometric shapes of different colors - circles,

squares, triangles, ovals, hexagons, stars (4 each

pieces of each, the figures are brown on one side and

- different color);

samples - cards with outlines of those figures that will be searched

children (triangle, square, circle)


Game rule: only those children who are called carry out the assignment


Before looking for a figure, you need to consider the sample and mentally

imagine what needs to be found;

look for a piece only on your table;

Check the selected figure by applying it to the outline.

Didactic games for speech development for all groups of preschoolers

Speech is a means of exchanging information with the outside world. Therefore, in school and preschool institutions, much attention is paid to the development of coherent speech. Didactic games for speech development are a way to form correct speech, pronunciation, develop motor skills and expand vocabulary.

Didactic games are useful because they develop speech functions in a playful way, without straining children. The card index of games for preschoolers includes methods used to develop speech, thinking and even memory.

For children, play is the main means of learning, which is systematically used by educators in preschool institutions and parents. The desire of preschoolers to play is constantly manifested; an experienced teacher will direct it in the right direction so that the child develops in a playful way. And correct and complete development is possible only with the right approach to setting up exercises.

The golden rule of Comenius didactics

The didactic rule developed by scientist and psychologist Ya.A. Komensky, speaks of the most important principle of clarity, without which learning will cease to be effective. The principle of visualization states that learning is expedient if the use of the senses is connected to it.

  • The rule says that it is important to approach the formation of children’s cognitive processes from a practical point of view. The guys will do experiments, observe, make mistakes, and draw their own conclusions. Only through such methods will the process of acquiring knowledge become effective.

Games for the younger group

It’s not difficult to come up with exercises and create props for them with your own hands; the material can be found in every room. Kids are just beginning to understand the world around them, help them better understand speech, learn to formulate thoughts and answer questions. Play these games:

  • Print out a picture of the room. Make your own or print and cut out pictures of animals: cats, dogs, parrots, fish. Say that animals don't remember where they belong. Ask your child to place the cat ON the sofa, the dog UNDER the table, the parrot ABOVE the sofa, and the fish IN the aquarium. The game is designed to teach prepositions. During this process, use your voice to highlight prepositions.
  • Give your child a word. For example, "cup". Ask them to name the same object, only small. If he doesn’t guess correctly, say it’s a “cup.” Practice with multiple items in one game.
  • Tell your child: “What is green around us?” Have him list the green items. Change the formulation of the question. Options: Which objects will I say are red? Do you know which objects are yellow?

The games are suitable for the first and second younger groups. Remember that children are not yet able to concentrate on one activity for a long time, so do not study with them for more than 20 minutes a day, unless the baby asks for more.

Games for the middle group

Children in the middle group of preschool educational institutions already know how to formulate some thoughts and have a small vocabulary. To influence the development of coherent speech, vocabulary and thinking of preschoolers, play didactic games with them:

  • Ask your child: “What rides?” List the objects: train, plane, carousel, car, carriage. Ask your child to raise his hand when you name the vehicle that is running. Also play with him, asking him what flies, crawls, walks.
  • Ask your child: “What kind of mother?” He will name the characteristics of the mother (kind, sensitive, affectionate). Play the same way, talking about dad and grandma. Later, ask to characterize the objects (the table is hard, large, brown, etc.).
  • Teach your child to name opposite words. For example: big - small, light - heavy, cheerful - sad. Tell him 2 words as an example, after which he will express a desire to play further.

It's easy to get preschoolers interested, but don't overdo it so they don't lose interest as the game progresses.

Didactic games for senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions

Children of the senior and preparatory groups have developed thinking and are able to identify the characteristics of objects. To develop thinking, memory and coherent speech, play the following games with them:

  • Buy or sew a bag with your own hands, in which you put 5 items. Let the children take turns pulling an object out of the bag without looking into it. When he pulls out an object, ask him to name 3 characteristics of this object (pen - plastic, writing, white).
  • Line up the children. Ask each child to name one object that is in the room. Ask the children to take turns naming the object without repeating themselves. Award the kid who can name the most words with a prize.
  • Name a sentence: I bought a bun. Ask the children to say it in the plural: I bought some buns. Practice with at least 5 sentences in one game.

For children, play is important because they will not force themselves to do something because “it’s the right thing to do.” Don't force them to play if they don't want to.

Games for the development of sensory abilities

In everyday life, the baby constantly encounters colors, sounds, smells and other phenomena. Didactic material for games is a kind of props. Familiarizing a child with an ordinary nesting doll promotes the development of coherent speech, perception, and the study of colors and shapes; building materials in games help to study the shape of objects.

To develop children's sensory perception, play games with them:

  • Place the children in a row and place a basket with colorful balls in front of them. Place colorful containers for balls nearby. Challenge each child, asking him to draw a ball of a certain color and put it in a container of the same color.
  • You will need balloons and colorful threads. Call your child and ask him to tie a red thread on a red ball, a blue thread on a blue one, and a green thread on a green one. If your child finds it difficult, show him an example.
  • Stock up on fishing line and beads: small and large. Show how you string beads onto a fishing line. Do this by alternating a small and a large bead. Ask the kids to repeat, making sure they string the beads in the correct order.

Sensory exercises are effective in preschool and primary school age for the development of speech and attention.

Communicative development: development of social-cognitive processes

Social-emotional development is important for a child because he is just settling into society. A large percentage of preschoolers go to kindergarten in a depressed state and do not relax in a group of peers. Games for communicative development help children develop socially, recognize the emotions and feelings of people around them. Play these educational games with your children:

  • Print out several photos of people with different emotions. Invite the children to guess what emotion is shown in each picture.
  • Invite children to draw sadness, joy, surprise and fear.
  • Ask the children to repeat the emotions shown in the photographs. To do this, provide them with mirrors.

Such games have a positive effect on children who are withdrawn, as they help them overcome their fears of being in public.

Game: call me kindly

The game “Name It Kindly” shows the level of children’s grammatical development, helps expand the child’s own vocabulary and the artistic and aesthetic development of the child, which is why it is so popular. The essence of the game is that the teacher, under the control of a speech therapist, pronounces the following phrases:

  • The flower is yellow, and the flower... The child answers: “yellow”;
  • The pear is delicious, and the pear... Delicious;
  • The cat is fluffy, and the kitten... Fluffy;
  • The cake is sweet, and the cake... Sweet.

Come up with more of these phrases to work with children longer. Under the supervision of a speech therapist, the game can be played more effectively so that the correctness of speech is monitored.

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

The role of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech can hardly be overestimated, since speech is the main means of communication, which is considered the basis for the development of thinking, pronunciation and intelligence.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech occurs in preschool age, and didactic games are the best means for this purpose. They not only promote artistic and aesthetic development, but also involve children in activities through games. The classification of didactic games allows each group to present material suitable for the age of the children.

Often, early development requires the help of a speech therapist, but didactic games are also used in this art.

Remember that family plays the most important role in human development. For children under 10 years of age, the family is an authority. So play games with your child. If you do not know any exercises, various manuals have been developed that are specifically suitable for the development of coherent speech, artistic and aesthetic thinking, intelligence, and vocabulary. You will appreciate the role of classes when your child goes to school, and will easily adapt to the new environment.

Game: name what has changed

The game develops memory, attention and logical thinking. You will need at least 6 different toys. Place them in a row in front of the children. Ask them to remember the sequence of toys.

When the kids have seen enough, ask them to close their eyes, then swap several toys or remove one. Invite the children to guess what has changed. The most attentive child receives a prize.

Progress of the game:

The teacher, together with the children, lays out a complete set of figures, first on one table, then on three more. Children sit on chairs.

The teacher says: “I will call you and show you what figure you need to find, and you will search and show us what you found.”

The teacher selects four children, shows the outline of one of the three figures, first to the sitting children, and then to the four selected ones. He tells them: “Go and bring us such a triangle, but first look at it from all sides” (the teacher traces the outline of the figure with his finger)

. Then the children, at the signal, go to carry out the assignment. To check, children independently apply the selected figure to the sample contour.

The game is repeated several times with other pieces.

Didactic game “Put the figures into houses”

Goal: to develop visual perception of the shape of planar figures;

develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name some

geometric figures;

compare them by size;

consolidate knowledge of flowers.

Equipment: house cards of different colors , geometric shapes

different colors and sizes (circles, squares, triangles,

ovals, rectangles, stars, hexagons).

Game rule: take only one geometric figure and put it in

the desired house in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.

“Do-it-yourself didactic games for speech development” presentation on speech development on the topic

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“Didactic games for speech development with your own hands” Completed by: Educators of the State Budget Educational Institution. garden No. 70 group No. 4 Larionova L. L and Donskikh I. IN

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using play as the main means of speech development Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. Breathing exercises and exercises of the lips, teeth, and tongue are aimed at developing correct speech. Much space is devoted to adding words from movable letters and writing. Didactic games - activities with materials and toys, aimed at analyzing the world around us and consolidating ideas about it in words.

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Breathing gymnastics The formation of speech breathing involves, among other things, the production of an air stream, which is considered one of the necessary and significant conditions for producing sounds.

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“Magic Discs” A series of didactic games for the development of coherent speech and literacy “Magic Discs”. The manual will assist in the formation of syllabic structure, in improving the grammatical structure of speech and reading skills, expanding vocabulary, and developing phonemic perception. 1. Didactic game “Pick a Rhyme”: Purpose: to learn to select pairs of rhyming words; develop phonemic awareness. Game options: One of the players spins the disk, the other player selects a picture whose name rhymes. For example: cone-bear, etc.

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2. Didactic game “Make a sentence”: Purpose: to teach children to compose sentences of various types, using given words, verbal creativity, and imagination. Game option: Each player spins his disk, then the players take turns coming up with sentences with the words that match on the disks. For example: You can discuss in advance what sentences should be (with prepositions, how many words, etc.) For a correctly composed sentence, the player receives a chip. 3. Didactic game “Make a word”: Goal: reading and composing two-syllable words. Game options: one child can make two-syllable words. A teacher and a child or two children can play. One sets a syllable, the other selects a second syllable to make a word.

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4. Didactic game “Pick a letter.” Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word. To consolidate children's knowledge of the sounds and letters they have learned. For each picture we select the letter with which the word begins. Having previously determined what the first sound is heard in the title of the picture.

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Didactic manual “Houses” for the development of speech of preschoolers Description: I bring to your attention the didactic manual “Houses”. The manual is intended for preschool children, as well as for children with speech disorders. It is used in the educational field of “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading Fiction”. Can be used both for individual work and for working with small subgroups. Promotes speech development and consolidation of acquired speech skills.

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Purpose: to practice dividing words into syllables. The teacher invites the child to place residents in houses in accordance with the number of the house and how many syllables there are in the name of each resident. - Name each resident. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who lives in which house.

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Didactic game for developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis “Parse the word” Game progress: A picture is attached to the sector with a question mark with a clothespin. The child is offered the following tasks. 1. Determining the place of a given sound in a word (dolphin). The child attaches the clothespin to the desired place on the diagram. Easy option: The child marks the location of the sound with a large clothespin. Difficult option: The child determines what sound it is and marks its position on the diagram with a red, blue or green clothespin.

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2. Divide the word into syllables (train). The child attaches as many clothespins to the desired sector as there are syllables in the word. 3. Identify the stressed syllable in the word (drum). The child attaches a sliver to the sector with the number of the stressed syllable. 4. Drawing up a sound diagram of a word. Using red, green and blue clothespins, the child makes a sound diagram of the word. Depending on the goals of the lesson, the child can complete certain tasks or do a complete analysis of the word.

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Didactic game for speech development “Magic Chests” Goal: development of phonemic hearing, sound analysis at the beginning of a word. For children 5-7 years old. Material: chests of red, green and blue, object pictures. Progress of the game: 1-2 children play. In the red chest we collect those object pictures that begin with a vowel sound, in the green chest we collect soft consonant sounds, in the blue chest we collect those that begin with a hard consonant sound. The “Magic Chests” manual is used by teachers of general education groups in kindergartens in their work to reinforce sound analysis.

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Didactic game “Fun Fishing” for preschool children (4-7 years old) Objectives: - To form phonetic-phonemic representations and the syllabic structure of a word. — Develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech. — Stimulate the development of mental and cognitive processes. — Maintain emotional and positive comfort. — Contribute to the development of children’s communication and communication skills. Description of the game: this game consists of a set of fish with pictures, “aquariums” with letters, 2 fishing rods. This game can be used both in individual and group activities. You can use fish with pictures with either the same group of sounds or different ones.

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Game management: (options) Automation of sounds 1.Say correctly. 2.Say it straight. Formation of phonetic-phonemic representations and syllabic structure of the word. 3. Determine the first sound in the word. 4.Name the last sound in the word. 5. Determine what vowel sounds are hidden in the word? 6.Divide the word. 7. Count the number of sounds in a word. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 8.Who is this or what is this? 9. One is many.

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10. Which one? Which? Which? 11.Say kindly. 12. Do the math. 13. Continue the row. Development of coherent speech: 14. Make up a sentence with this word. 15. Come up with a riddle.

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Didactic game “Who eats what” The child is asked to attach clothespins with animal faces to a circle with the types of food that exactly this animal eats. There are a total of 12 animal faces and twelve types of food. The names of these animals are written on another circle, for those children who have already learned to read.

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Didactic game “Read by first letters” Purpose of the game: strengthening reading skills and sound-letter analysis of words, developing attention, memory and logical thinking. Rules of the game: Invite children to read the word from the first letters of the picture and make up this word from the letters.

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Didactic game “Chamomile” Goals: Develop the syllabic structure of the word. Develop the skill of dividing words into syllables. Develop motor skills, coordination of movements, abstract logical thinking. The manual represents the centers of daisies with a diameter of 20 cm with an image of a syllabic pattern and a beetle where there is one syllable, a fly where there are two syllables, a butterfly where there are three syllables. Images of insects in the cores provide additional visual support. The manual also includes a picture of a bee and petals. On each petal there are pictures of words with a different number of syllables (one-, two- and three-syllables). Children take the petals one by one, name the picture depicted on it, determine the number of syllables in the word and independently insert the petal into the corresponding core.

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Didactic game “Locomotive” A game for the development of logical thinking and speech of preschool children “What first, what then”. By completing tasks, kids will learn to generalize, understand the sequence of the plot, cause-and-effect relationships, and develop attention, observation, and coherent speech. The child is asked to arrange the pictures in order in a certain sequence. Then compose detailed stories based on the pictures.

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Didactic game “Shop” A didactic game that can be used as a printed board game and as attributes in a role-playing game. Integration of educational areas: social - communicative, cognitive and speech development. To develop in a preschooler the ability to think logically, analyze and synthesize information, draw conclusions and conclusions, generalize and specify, classify ideas and concepts.

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Game-simulator for sound-syllable analysis of words “Choose a scheme” Goal: improving sound analysis skills, developing phonemic hearing, thinking and perception. Materials: The game is a set of plastic eggs with pictures and sound patterns. It is known that when teaching both writing and reading, the initial process is sound analysis of speech, therefore the development of sound analysis and synthesis is a very important component both in correctional work and not only.

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Thank you for your attention

Progress of the game:

The teacher lays out houses and a set of geometric shapes in front of the child. Then he suggests: “Look at the houses and shapes. The figures are residents who must live in the houses.”

Place "tenants"

to the houses.

-By color (in the red house there are red figures, etc.)

-By shape (in the red house - circles, etc.)


-By size (in the red house there are large triangles, etc.)


Next, you can complicate the task and invite the child to place the figures so that they are somewhat similar and explain why he arranged the figures this way.

Didactic game "Find a pair"

Goal: to teach children to find the location of figures in a drawing;

distinguish between circle, square, triangle;

consistently analyze and describe a pattern made up of

geometric figures: first name the figure in the center, and then to the left and

on right;

consolidate definition: geometric shapes located in one and

in the same order on two cards , make a pair;

develop observation and attention; activate the dictionary (similar,

different, same).

Equipment: Pairs of cards (mittens)

. Each is depicted in a different

sequences circle, square, triangle.

Game rule: Select only identical cards ; the player receives

paired card only if he describes his own correctly.

The one who makes no mistakes wins.

Didactic games

Lyubov Maksimova

Didactic games

Workshop of a professional teacher.

In preschool age, it is play that contributes to the diversified development of the child. Play for children is study, play for them is work, a serious form of education. Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about their surroundings. While playing, they study colors, shapes, properties of materials, and spatial relationships. In play, the child gains his first experience of collective thinking. games with children , especially didactic ones . During my time working in a preschool institution, I made and conducted many educational games .

No. 1. Didactic game “Bunnies and houses”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green.

Progress of the game : In front of the children there are 4 houses of different colors. Children have 4 bunnies of the same color. The teacher invites the children to hide the bunnies in houses, since they are very afraid of the wolf, but do not know what color their house is.

No. 2. Didactic game “Butterflies and Flowers”

Goal: to develop in children the ability to compare two groups of objects based on comparison, to establish equality and inequality of 2 sets, to activate the words “as many”, “equally”, “equally”.

Material: butterflies and flowers cut out of colored paper according to the number of children.

Progress of the game : The teacher invites the children to turn into butterflies (hands out butterflies)

Butterflies fly across the clearing. At the signal “Butterflies, fly to the flower!” - they fly to the flower (laid out on the floor)
into the house. Have all the butterflies had enough houses? How many butterflies? How many flowers? Are there equal numbers? How else can you say it?

Option 2: working with cards at the table.

No. 3. Didactic game “Decorate the rug”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to compare objects by color, shape, size.

Progress: Educator: “Children, a hare came to visit us. She wants to give her bunnies beautiful rugs, but she hasn’t had time to decorate them. Let's help her. How will we decorate them? (circles, triangles)

. What colour? Are the circles the same size? and triangles? etc. The hare really liked the rugs.

Similar game “Decorate the mitten”

No. 4. Didactic game “Close the figure”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of primary colors and their shades, the size of objects. Develop logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills.

Material: cards on which geometric shapes of different sizes and colors are glued. A set of the same geometric shapes.

Contents: The teacher invites the children to look at a set of geometric shapes, asks questions, asks them to show the largest triangle, name the color, find the smallest triangle, name the color, etc. In conclusion, the children cover the figures on the card and check the completed task with each other.

No. 5. Didactic game "Find a pair."

Goal: consolidate the name of geometric shapes; develop the ability to make a pair of two identical cards; develop visual attention.

Material: a set of cards depicting 2-3 geometric shapes (2 identical)


Contents: Cards are distributed to the participants of the game ; upon a signal, the children look for a pair (the same card)

and get into pairs.

No. 6 Didactic game “Paths to houses”

Goal: To develop the ability to compare 3 objects in length by application and overlap, navigate in space, activate the words in speech: “long”, “shorter”, “short”; develop visual attention.

Material: cards with houses in which animals live, 3 strips of different lengths. For every child.

Progress of the game : The presenter tells the children that the animals have built houses for themselves and want to visit each other, but there are no paths and they do not know where to go. Let's lay paths to the houses, but first look at them carefully, compare them in length, place them between the houses. What path will you lay from the fox's house to the bear's house? What colour? etc. To whom does the shortest path lead? And the longest?

No. 7. Didactic game “Name and Count”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, practice counting objects, develop attention and memory.

Material: pictures of animals.

Contents: The teacher lays out a picture of geometric shapes depicting a wolf (pig, chicken, invites you to carefully examine which geometric shapes the wolf is drawn from, name the geometric shapes. How many circles? How many squares? How many triangles? How many rectangles?

No. 8 Didactic game “Count the sounds”

Goal: to teach children to count sounds by calling the final number.

Contents: It is better to start the game by counting toys, calling 2 - 3 children to the table, then say that children are good at counting toys and things, and today they will learn to count sounds. The teacher invites the children to count, using their hand, how many times he hits the table. He shows how to swing the right hand, standing on the elbow, in time with the blows. The blows are made quietly and not too often so that the children have time to count them. At first, no more than 1 to 3 sounds are produced, and only when the children stop making mistakes does the number of beats increase. Next, you are asked to play the specified number of sounds. The teacher calls the children to the table one by one and invites them to hit a hammer or a stick on a stick 2 - 5 times. In conclusion, all children are asked to raise their hand (lean forward, sit down)

as many times as the hammer hits.

No. 9. Didactic game “Cars are going to the garage” (For children 4 - 5 years old)

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the sequence of their construction in a row one after another; develop thinking, attention, speed of reaction to a signal, independence in solving a problem, control and self-control skills.

Contents: The game is played in the form of a competition. Chairs with colored circles indicate parking lots. Children are given circles (each column has the same color)

At the leader’s signal (strike the tambourine),
everyone runs around the group room. At the signal: “Cars! To the parking lot! - everyone “goes” to their garage, i.e. children with red steering wheels - to the garage marked with a red circle, etc. The cars are lined up in a column in numerical order, starting with the first. The teacher checks the order of car numbers in each column.

Questions: what is the first number? Why? What number is followed by 2? What is greater than 1 or 2? How long? etc.

No. 10. Didactic game “Connect the numbers”

Goal: consolidate knowledge of numbers, develop the ability to connect dots in the order of numbers.

Material: cards with diagrams on which numbers are written near the dots.

Contents: Guys, a surprise awaits you. You need to connect the dots together in the order of numbers from 1 to 5 (or more)

; if the child finds it difficult, find the numbers 1 and 2. Connect them with a line, 2 and 3, etc. Now tell me what you got? Did you like the game?

No. 11. Didactic game “Color the balls”.

Goal: to help identify ideas about shape, color, teach to count objects, remember their quantity.

Equipment: paper, colored pencils.

Age: 4 - 5 years.

Progress of the game : The teacher offers the child a piece of paper with balloons depicted and asks him to finish drawing the strings so that the balloons do not fly apart. The child should color the round balls blue, and the oval ones yellow. After this, the teacher asks to count how many blue balls, how many yellow, how many blue and yellow together.

No. 12. Didactic game “Jump, don’t make a mistake” For children 4 - 5 years old.

Objectives: consolidate knowledge of numbers and their sequence in a number series; develop attention, logical thinking, speed of reaction and coordination of movements, independence, initiative, the ability to correctly evaluate one’s actions and the actions of other children.

Contents: children (4 people each)

stand inside the hoop, around them are “bumps” with numbers from 1 to 5. The teacher calls the name of any child standing in the hoop and invites him to complete the task, and the rest of the children to check the correctness of the execution, correcting the mistake if necessary. A child from the four will perform the movements according to the task: jumps out of the hoop onto a bump with the number given by the teacher, having previously thought about his answer. The next task is completed by a child from the other four.

Tasks: 1) jump to the number from which the count begins; 2) jump to the number that comes after 2; 3) jump to a number that is greater than 1 by 1; 4) jump to a number that is greater than 2 by 1; 5) jump on the number showing how many legs forest animals have.

Having completed the task correctly, the children “find themselves in a forest clearing.”

Rules: draw the children’s attention to the correctness of the task: you need to jump on the “bump” with a number, having previously thought about the task; When performing a jump, you need to try to maintain balance and keep your hands on your belt. Encourage children to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades.

No. 13. Didactic game “Is Enough?”

Goal: to teach children to see equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, to bring them to the concept that number does not depend on size.

Contents: The teacher offers to treat the animals. First, he finds out: “Will the bunnies have enough carrots and the squirrels have enough nuts? How to find out? How to check? Children count the toys, compare their numbers, then treat the animals by placing small toys next to large ones. Having identified equality and inequality in the number of toys in the group, they add the missing item or remove the extra one.

No. 14. Didactic game “Complete the missing figure”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, learn to solve a logical problem based on visually perceived information (to establish patterns)


Contents: Invite children to name the figures in the top row. (, , Give the task to draw the missing figures in the second and third row.

№ 15. Didactic game

“Help Pinocchio draw a picture for Malvina”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, distinguish and name the right and left hands; activate the words in speech: right, left, center, top, bottom.

Move: Pinocchio ask the children to draw a picture, and he will now tell you which one: draw a house in the center, a sun at the top, etc.

No. 16. Didactic game “Who is where?”

Goals of the game : to promote the formation of spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.

Equipment: Form with images of several items, chips.

Age: 5-6 years.

Progress of the game : The child is offered a form with the image of several objects that are located differently in space.

Educator: “What objects are drawn? Where is the pear drawn? Where is the house drawn? Drum? Ball? Balloon? What is drawn to the right of the house? And on the left? Name the objects in the upper right corner? etc.” For each correct answer, the child receives a chip. At the end of the game, children count the chips . The winner is the one who received the most chips.

No. 17. Didactic game “Football”

Goal: to teach children to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine spatial directions and designate them with words: top, bottom, right, left, upper right corner, upper left corner, etc.

Contents: The bear cubs ask the children to play football with them. Children place the ball in the center. The game begins. The ball flies to the lower right corner; the ball flies into the top goal. Goal! Score 1:0, etc.

No. 18. Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of the time of day, to train them in comparing pictures with parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night. To teach them to correctly use the words: “today”, “tomorrow”, “yesterday”. Develop logical thinking and coherent speech.

Rules: According to the word that the teacher says, show the card and explain. why did he pick it up?

Game action: searching for the desired picture.

Progress of the game : The players have cards on the table that depict pictures from life related to a certain time of day. Life of children in kindergarten (regime moments)

. Children choose any one for themselves and carefully examine it. When they hear the word morning, the children pick up the picture and each one explains why he thinks it is morning, etc.

No. 19. Didactic game “Graphic dictation”

Goal: formation of the eye and visual memory in children; development of fine motor skills; development of stable, focused attention, development of visual-motor coordination, arbitrariness, rhythm and accuracy of movements; education of hard work and perseverance.

Contents: the teacher selects a drawing scheme, and then step by step dictates to the child the direction and number of cells for drawing the segments. So that at the end of the dictation you get a finished image on a sheet of paper.

No. 20. Didactic game “What has changed?”

Goal: to train children in correctly determining the spatial arrangement of objects: to the right, to the left, in front, behind, on the side, near, etc. To develop observation skills, develop figurative memory, and activate the dictionary.

Rules of the game : changes in the arrangement of objects are called only by those children whom the puppet character points to.

Game actions: Rearranging objects behind the screen like this. so that children do not see; guessing using a puppet character.

Toys: matryoshka, pyramid, doll.

Progress of the game : The game uses a toy - Parsley. Cheerful and mischievous. He constantly rearranges, moves something, and then forgets and asks the guys to tell him where he put his toys.

No. 21 Didactic game “Collect (complete)


Goal: to develop visual perception of shape, memory, attention, fine motor skills of the fingers, repeat the names of colors, geometric shapes, improve the ability to highlight the size of objects.

Equipment: cards with drawings, cardboard equivalents of geometric shapes, felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

Progress of the game : The teacher hands out cards to the children and offers to complete the elements of the existing beads: “Look. The doll broke the beads. He just can't put it together. Think about which figure should be completed first? After? What kind of beads did you get?” The teacher checks and helps. In case of difficulties, the teacher draws the first version of the beads himself, suggesting the pattern of distribution of figures on the beads. You don’t have to finish drawing the beads, but lay them out from existing cardboard parts.

No. 22. Didactic game “Make a whole from parts”

Goal: to exercise the ability to compose a whole from individual parts, to develop logical thinking.

Progress of the game : problem situation: the dolls' mirror broke. They ask the guys to repair it.

No. 23. Didactic game “Fold the pyramid according to the diagram”

Goal: To develop the ability to assemble objects according to a pattern based on a schematic image; learn to analyze the structure of an object using its schematic representation; develop logical thinking, visual attention, imagination.

Material: one pyramid for each player, 4 cards with outline images of pyramids, assembled in different ways.

Contents of the game : The teacher informs us that we will not collect simple pyramids, but those that are drawn on the card. The teacher shows the first card. Children take apart their pyramids and assemble ones like those on the card. The winner gets a chip. The game continues with another card scheme.

No. 24. Didactic game “What’s extra? Why?"

Purpose of the game : teach children to find the “extra” object in each row of cards. Develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize.

Material: cards.

Age: 4-6 years.

Progress of the game : the child carefully examines the drawing. The teacher asks: “What is the extra object here? Why?" The winner is the one who quickly identifies the inappropriate item and explains it correctly. For example, there will be dishes among the clothes.

№ 25. Didactic games

“Find the differences”, “Snowmen”, “Houses”, “Toys”.

Goal: To develop visual attention and observation in children.

Rules of the game : You need to look carefully at the picture and point out. How do snowmen differ from each other? Two people play and who points out the most differences in the drawings wins The first player names some difference, then the second player is given the floor, etc. The game ends when one of the partners cannot name a new difference (not previously noted)

. You can start the game by reading the poem “Here is a little bunny by the river standing on his hind legs. In front of him are snowmen with brooms and hats. The hare is looking. He became quiet. He's just eating carrots. But he can’t understand what’s different between them.” Now look at what’s different about these snowmen.

Option 2: Players find the differences and place chips under their drawings, then name the differences.

No. 26. Didactic game “Sticks - Counting Sticks”.

Purpose of the game : to promote memorization and quick reproduction of the pattern. Develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Equipment: paper, counting sticks.

Age: 4-5 years.

Progress of the game : Option 1: The teacher invites the children to lay out a figure according to the model on paper with chopsticks. Complication: The sample is shown for a few seconds and then removed. Option 2: Exercise the children to make figures on their own, think about the solution, develop their imagination.

No. 27. Didactic game “What is it like?”

Goal: to teach children to create an image in their imagination based on a schematic representation of objects.

Material: set of 5-8 cards with various figures.

Content: The teacher shows a picture, and the children come up with what this picture looks like.

No. 28. Didactic game “Labyrinths”

Goal: To develop in children perseverance and the ability to concentrate, logical thinking, and dexterity.

Guide: Gradually complicate the labyrinths (more complex network of passages, increasing the number of dead ends, branches)

. Together with your child, trace the moves using a pencil and then visually. Encouraging manifestations of sustained attention, concentration, and the desire to achieve a goal.

No. 29. Didactic game “Find the signs of difference”

Goal: Continue to develop the ability to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences (how these objects are similar and how they differ, etc.)


Continue to develop the ability to view objects sequentially. Develop attention, memory, thinking. Activate children's speech. Form of organization: individual or subgroup.

Methodological techniques: The main technique is looking at illustrations and having a conversation. Options for conducting the game : Option No. 1 (integration with the educational area “Socialization”

) An adult shows the child an illustration and asks him to look at it, describe it, then asks him to look at the second part of the illustration. When looking at the second part, the illustration invites the child to find the differences and determine how they differ.

No. 30. Didactic game “Pass through the gate”

Goal: to train children to form numbers from two smaller numbers.

Material: Large cards with various geometric shapes depicted on them (from one to four)

- one for each child.

Contents: Two children represent a gate - holding one or another card. The rest walk around the room with small cards. When the leader hits the tambourine, the players in pairs go through the gate (the pair is made up of children whose number of figures on the cards is equal to the number on the gate). It is better to start playing with the number 2, gradually increasing the number of players by adding two cards with the next number. In order to include children in the game more, you can make them not into pairs, but into fours.

Rules of the game : If the number is made incorrectly, you cannot go through the gate, it is closed.

Game option : Not one, but a larger number of gates are depicted (up to five)

. Players must only go through their own goal.

No. 31. Didactic game “What houses do friends live in?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between different types of polygons; cultivate determination in achieving goals, develop intelligence and attention.

Three friends: Kitten, Puppy and Cockerel settled in new homes. Guess who lives where? The Kitten's house has a square door, a quadrangular window, and a triangular chimney. In the puppy's house, the door is hexagonal, the window is rectangular, and the pipe is quadrangular. The cockerel lives in a house with a pentagonal door, a quadrangular window and a hexagonal pipe.

Answers: Kitten lives in house No. 3, Puppy - No. 5, Cockerel - 6.

No. 32 Didactic game “Living Numbers”

Purpose: exercise in counting (forward and backward)

within 10.

Material: Cards with circles drawn on them from 1 to 10.

Contents: Children receive cards. The driver is selected. Children walk around the room. At the driver’s signal: “Numbers!” Get in order!" - they line up and call their number (“One”, “Two”, “Three”, etc.)

The driver checks if everything is in place. Children exchange cards. Game continues.

Rules of the game : If any of the children is in the wrong place, he becomes the driver. If the driver makes a mistake, then he drives again. If the driver makes a mistake in counting three times, he leaves the game .

Game option . “Numbers” are built in reverse order from 10 to 1.

No. 33. Didactic game “Guess which number is missing”

Goal: Determine the place of the number in the natural series, name the missing number.

Material: Flannelgraph, 1 cards with circles on them from 1 to 10 (on each card there are circles of a different color. Flags.

Contents: The teacher arranges cards on a flannelgraph in the sequence of natural numbers. We invite the children to see how they stand, to see if any numbers are missing. then the guys close their eyes. and the teacher removes one card. After the children guess which number is missing, the teacher shows the hidden card and puts it in its place.

Rules of the game : Do not peek when the card is removed. Whoever notices which number is missing first gets a flag.

No. 34. Didactic game “What number is next?”

Purpose: To train children in determining the next and previous number to the named one.

Material: ball.

Contents: Children stand in a circle, with the driver in the center. He throws the ball to one of the children and says any number. The person who catches the ball calls the next or previous number.

Rules of the game : If the child makes a mistake, everyone calls out the correct number in unison. The game continues.

Game option :

1. Children agree in advance which number they will call: the previous or next one.

2. Children name not one, but two numbers at once - both the previous and the next.

No. 35. Educational games according to B. P. Nikitin “Fold a square”, “Fold a pattern”, “Unicube”.

Goal: to develop in children spatial concepts, imaginative thinking, the ability to combine, design, combine shape and color, folding planar and three-dimensional figures, develop creativity and independence.

Material: planar sample cards for planar figures; cubes painted in three bright colors - for three-dimensional figures.

Games for recreating figurative and plot images from geometric figures according to the image and one’s own design.

1. "Tangram"

2. “Columbus Egg”

3. "Mongolian game"

4. "Vietnamese game"

1. Children get acquainted with the set of figures for the game, select the figures according to their shape, examine them, count them, and place them on top of each other.

2. According to the teacher, they make a square, a triangle (from two smaller ones, a quadrilateral) from triangles.

3. Compiling figures according to image and design.

4. Recreation of figures based on contour patterns.

Literature used:

1. L. A. Wenger, O. M. Dyachenko “ Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children.”

2. Z. A. Mikhailova “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers.”

3. V. V. Danilova, T. D. Richterman, Z. A. Mikhailova “Teaching mathematics in kindergarten.”

4. V. P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten.”

5. V. Sotnikova “Child development in play activities.”

6. E. V. Solovyova “Numbers for you.”

7. Sorokina “ Didactic games in kindergarten ”.

Progress of the game:

Option 1.

The teacher asks the child to look at the card (mitten, describe what geometric shapes the pattern consists of and what color. Then find a paired card .

Option 2.

3 children playing. Leading teacher. The teacher takes three cards with different arrangements of geometric shapes, folds them face down in front of him, and lays out the rest of the cards face up in front of the children.

Showing the first card, the presenter says: “On my card in the middle there is a circle , on the left there is a triangle, on the right there is a square. Who has the same card ?

A child who has the same card places the figures on it and then receives a paired card .

The game ends when all the cards .

Didactic game “Find an object of the same shape”

Purpose: to teach to distinguish objects by shape, to distinguish and name some

geometric figures;

develop visual perception, memory, imagination, fine

motor skills, speech.

Equipment: playing field, cards with subject pictures .

Game rule: take only one card , find the right place for it

and only then take another one.

Progress of the game:

The teacher examines the playing field with the child, discusses the pictures : “Look, a watermelon. It resembles a circle in shape. The watermelon is round!”

etc. Explain to the child the meaning of the game: “Here is a watermelon, it’s round.
Find a suitable card and place it on top . Now let's find cards that depict round objects and close the empty cells.
Which drawings will you choose? Right! This is a watermelon, a wheel, a ball and a button." You can make the task more difficult. Ask your child to select cards with matching pictures for the geometric shapes.

During the game, the child will remember geometric shapes, learn to distinguish them, and compare surrounding objects by shape.

Didactic game “Fold the pattern”

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes and identify them

color, analyze the position of objects in space;

consolidate knowledge of primary colors, the ability to compare geometric

figures by size;

develop attention and mental operations.

Equipment: large cards with geometric patterns, set

geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles)


Game rule: take only one card and geometric shapes for it.

DIY didactic game

Didactic games for kids:

  1. “Feed the bun.” The goal is to develop children's fine motor skills. Description – you will need two small plastic containers, one of them should be round. Glue a funny face (bun) to the lid, make a hole in place of the mouth, and put the beans in the second jar. The child’s task is to feed the bun, i.e. transfer the beans into a jar with a face.
  2. "Carnations and rubber bands." The goal is to train fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, and study geometric shapes. Description – cut out a square of the required size from plywood, paint it, attach stationery nails at equal distances throughout the space, the child’s task is to use rubber bands to create various geometric shapes and simple objects (for example, a spruce).

Classes for middle group children:

  1. "Box of sensations" The goal is to develop motor skills, imagination, and the ability to identify an object by its shape. Description - take a shoe box, make two holes in the lid and sew fabric sleeves to them, put various items in the box and cover with the lid. The children's task is to put their hands into the sleeves, find the object, guess and describe it.
  2. "Musical candy" The goal is to develop auditory attention, memory, and thinking. Description - put various objects into the Kinder Surprise eggs - beads, cereals, paper clips, cover the blanks with fabric in the form of candies (each sound must have a pair). The children's task is to find pairs of identical candies.

Games for older preschoolers:

  1. "The world of flora and fauna." The goal is to develop the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, and instill a love for living nature and respect for it. Description – cut out representatives of flora and fauna and glue them onto cardboard. The children’s task is to look at a card with an animal or plant, describe it, highlight its main characteristics, etc.
  2. "Mosaic". The goal is to develop attention, logical thinking, and color perception. Description – prepare various geometric shapes from colored paper, except for a circle. The children's task is to make a mosaic from these figures in such a way that the same colors do not touch each other.

Didactic games allow you to develop all important processes: speech, attention, thinking, imagination. Such activities are useful not only for children 2–3 years old, but also for the middle and older groups. The variety of games allows the teacher to choose exactly the one that will be aimed at the development of each child.

Progress of the game:

1. The teacher invites the children to look at a large card and answer the question: “What geometric shapes is the pattern on the sample made of?”

. Then the children determine what color the figures are and where they are located. After this, the child selects the necessary geometric shapes and lays out exactly the same pattern. (If it is difficult for a child to complete a task, then we use the method of overlaying figures).

2. If the child does a good job, then you can ask him to complete the same pattern from memory.

3. You can invite the child to make his own pattern.

Didactic game "Geometric mosaic"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes (triangle, circle,

square, about primary colors;

develop the ability to create an image of an object from geometric


develop visual perception, attention, memory, mental


Equipment: large cards with images of composed objects

from geometric shapes of different shapes, colors and sizes.

Game rule: the child must take only those geometric shapes

from which the objects on his card .

Progress of the game:

1. The teacher asks the child to look at the picture and say what geometric shapes the image is made of. How many geometric shapes of different shapes and what colors they are.

2. The teacher suggests looking at the picture and laying out the same one from geometric shapes, first by overlay on a card , and then on the table.

3. You can complicate the task and ask the child to lay out an object from geometric shapes from memory.

4. From these geometric shapes, lay out an image of any object.

Didactic game “Assemble a whole from parts”

Goal: to form ideas about geometric shapes, the ability

make a whole from parts;

consolidate knowledge of primary colors, the ability to compare objects according to


develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: wooden platform with frames of different shapes; details-


Game rule: the child must fill out the frames in order, from left to

law (from simple to complex)


Didactic games on “Speech Development”

Photo report

Didactic games for speech development

for children of senior preschool age

Completed by: Suzdaleva Yu.O

Makhmetova A.T.

The most difficult and biggest problem in teaching preschool children is to teach them to speak coherently and expressively. The main goal of educators is to help the child master this wonderful gift.

When working with children, teachers set the following tasks for speech development: enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers and activating vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech, forming a sound culture of speech, forming and developing coherent speech.

A didactic game is a gaming method and form of teaching preschoolers. Thanks to didactic play, children better assimilate initial ideas about the surrounding reality, develop verbal communication skills, and the ability to correctly express their thoughts.

Didactic game is a multifaceted phenomenon, which can be a teaching method, a form of teaching. Made by the hands of teachers, they allow the child to reveal his potential using the body’s analyzers (auditory, visual, tactile) and direct the educational process to achieve positive results.

Preschool educational institutions specialists who practice educational activities often resort to making educational toys with their own hands or together with group pupils from various waste materials. Self-production allows you to diversify the presentation of program material, taking into account the capabilities of the children's contingent.

We have produced the following educational games:

Didactic game “Collect a letter”


Strengthen children’s ability to form a whole from parts; attach a graphic image of letters; development of imagination, imaginative thinking, fine motor skills of the hand; continue to learn to concentrate; help develop observation skills.

Rules of the game

The child must complete the puzzle and get the hidden letter. Remember what it looks like and is called. To reinforce, name words that begin with this letter. They are drawn in every element.

Didactic game
“Learning letters”


: teach children to name the letters of the alphabet; develop memory and thinking.

Rules of the game

: the child needs to choose the corresponding picture for each letter.

Didactic game

«"My", "My", "Mine"»


Teaching children to agree nouns with pronouns
my, mine, mine
; focusing on the endings of words.

Rules of the game:

Children are asked to arrange the pictures into an apple called “Mine”, “Mine”, “Mine”.

Didactic game for speech development

“Name it in one word”


: promote the development of logical thinking, memory, speech, the ability to generalize, justify.

Rules of the game

: We play with one or more children. Children are asked to identify a common feature that covers the entire set of objects of observation, and to name the objects in one word.


Progress of the game:

The teacher asks the child: “Look at the frame (window)

. Find an insert that fits this window. What colour is he?". The child finds a suitable part and closes the window.

Then the teacher suggests looking at the next frame and asks: “Is there an insert of the same shape? What two parts can be used to make such a shape? Etc.

The game can be repeated several times.

Didactic game “Collect the figures”

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish objects by shape and size;

develop color perception, attention, memory, fine motor skills

Equipment: playing field in the form of a table, in which silhouettes are depicted on the left

geometric shapes, small cards with images of geometric

figures of different sizes, colors and shapes.

Game rule: take only one card a time and find its place.

Card index of didactic games for middle groups of kindergarten

In the middle group, a card index of games can be compiled according to the following topics:

  1. "Child and health." To study the daily routine, children are asked to look at pictures with images of the daily routine and arrange them in order and comment: the morning begins with exercises, breakfast, etc. This game introduces children to a healthy lifestyle, develops speech, attention and memory.
  2. "Healthy foods". The following games will help you remember fruits and vegetables: children take a dummy of a product out of a bag and describe it (“this is an apple, it’s round, red and smooth); the teacher names the characteristics of the fruit/vegetable, and the children guess it; children try foods with their eyes closed and name them, say what the fruit/vegetable tastes like.
  3. "Dangerous items." The purpose of such games is to introduce children to dangerous objects that should not be played with or taken without the permission of adults. For example: the teacher prepares cards with dangerous and safe objects and asks the students to put them into two groups, explaining their choice. You can complicate the task by offering to tell the children what injuries dangerous things can cause (cuts, bruises, etc.).

Progress of the game:

Before starting the game, the teacher examines geometric shapes with the child. The child traces each figure with his finger and clearly pronounces its name.

Then the teacher asks the child to find and place cards with figures on the playing field, while observing a certain order.

“Look, there is a circle drawn here, and next to it are three empty cells. Let's find cards that show a circle. Choose the largest one among them and cover the first empty cell with this card , then find a smaller circle, etc.”

Didactic game “Help the objects return home”

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish the shape of objects and correlate this

shape with a geometric figure (circle, oval, triangle,

square and rectangle);

develop attention, mental operations, imagination.

Equipment: cards with images of geometric shapes, cards with

subject pictures .

Game rule: cards

pictures up . The child takes any card , names the object and

determines which “street”

will settle him. If the choice is made

That’s right, then the cards are connected in a chain according to the principle of puzzles.

DIY didactic games for speech development

Yana Glebova

DIY didactic games for speech development

Educator: Glebova Ya. V

Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. The sooner learning the native language begins, the more freely the child will use it in the future.

Everyone knows that games have a general developmental effect on speech. The methodology includes various didactic games in which the tasks of activating and clarifying one or another grammatical form are solved, for example, helping children master the genitive plural, the imperative mood of the verb, the agreement of words in gender, ways of forming words (the names of baby animals, people of different professions, cognates). Games aimed at teaching children storytelling develop their ability to describe an object based on its main features (color, shape, size, actions; talk about an animal, a toy; compose a plot from a picture, develop it in accordance with the plan. The didactic task is clothed in gaming situations in which incentives for a coherent presentation of thoughts clearly appear. Thus, games and exercises solve in a complex all the tasks of speech development (education of sound culture of speech, formation of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary work, development of coherent speech).

Didactic games that have a complex impact on vocabulary, grammar, and coherence of speech should be interesting and exciting. I decided to make my own didactic manual for children of senior preschool age on speech development.

Didactic manual “Speech Transformer”


enrichment of active vocabulary, development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech.

Description of the manual:

the desktop didactic manual is the author's development, intended for children of senior preschool age; consists of a base-stand and three replaceable blocks, each block contains a didactic game. The manual can be used in individual work with children, as well as in joint and independent activities.

1-BLOCK: Didactic game “Write your own fairy tale”


improve the ability to compose short fairy tales on a given topic “Once upon a time in the forest.”

Game description:

The child selects a block with a forest image, places it on a stand and secures it with an elastic band. The game comes with an envelope containing pictures depicting various fairy tale and cartoon characters. He is invited to compose his own fairy tale on the theme “Once upon a time in the forest”, and place several heroes on the panel; characters can be changed depending on the development of the plot. When choosing appropriate characters to tell, children give their descriptions and characteristics.

2-BLOCK: Didactic game: “Look and tell the story”


improve the ability to compose stories based on a set of pictures with sequentially developing action.

Game description:

the child selects a block with plot pictures, places it on the base of the stand and secures it with an elastic band. The paper film movement regulators are fixed at the top and bottom of the block; red arrows indicate the direction of movement. The child watches five stories with sequentially developing action and composes stories to choose from. Storytelling through a series of plot pictures develops in children the ability to develop a plot line, come up with a title for the story in accordance with the content, and connect individual sentences and parts of statements into a narrative text.

3-BLOCK: Didactic game “Magic Locker”


improve the ability to form nouns using the suffix protsa with the meaning of container

Game description:

The child selects a block with a picture of a store, places it on a stand base and secures it with an elastic band. The game comes with subject pictures: different products, a grocery cart, a boy, a girl.

Invite your child to “go to the grocery store.” Place pictures of products in a cart, name the products using sentences, for example: “I bought bread, I bought candy, etc., take the cart home. At home, put the purchased products in the “Magic Cabinet”, in which a piece of prostrate lives, and guess the name of the dish in which the products need to be placed. The child puts food in a cabinet and names, for example: the noun sugar - with the help of the suffix protsa forms a new word sugar bowl, etc. (sugar bowl, bread bowl, candy bowl, salad bowl, napkin bowl, pepper shaker).

Progress of the game:

Before the start of the game, the presenter lays out cards with images of geometric figures face up , introduces each figure and its name, and then tells a fairy tale.

“The inhabitants of the fairy-tale Kingdom-State love to play and have fun. But then the time comes when they have to return home. Who lives on what street? On a square street there live square-shaped objects, on an oval street - oval-shaped objects, on a circle street - round-shaped objects, etc. (At the same time, the adult lays out cards with geometric shapes one under the other, setting a pattern for constructing parallel streets.) Let's go with you. Let’s help each item find its own street!”

Didactic game “Compare and Match”

Goal: learn to compare objects by size,

consolidate knowledge about color and geometric shapes,

develop visual perception, thinking, attention, expand


Equipment: large cards , small cards with images

objects and geometric shapes.

Game rule: the child takes one card and finds a place for it on

big map .

the cards quickly and correctly.

big map .

Do-it-yourself didactic games for speech development

You can make games with your own hands for children in the middle and older groups of kindergarten. For creation, available materials are suitable, and the tools are available in every home and kindergarten:

  • paper (thick);
  • colour pencils;
  • printer (color);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • magazines with pictures.

Set "Runs and runs"

Didactic games for speech development for older groups

A set of pictures to activate the verb dictionary “Runs and lies” is intended to expand vocabulary and develop skills in the correct use of verbs. 27 pictures are divided into 2 types: paired ones depict people and animals performing any one action, and unpaired ones (people performing actions characteristic only of humans). The set is easy to make with your own hands using the above tools and materials.

Fairy tales are also used using toys. The child learns together with the characters of his favorite fairy tales.

Note! The goal of the game is to develop creative and associative thinking, memory and expand vocabulary. Use homemade toys.

Children are given the task of making a character from their favorite fairy tale from paper or other materials (fabric, clay). After the toys are ready, the children choose one of the characters and retell in their own words his role in the fairy tale.


Mnemonic tables are special pictures where, to determine a specific word or phrase, an object associated with it is schematically depicted. They are used to develop visual and auditory memory, associative thinking and coherent speech. Benefits of use:

  • Information about words is linked to visual images and sounds.
  • The child’s brain simultaneously receives several signals from different sources: hearing, visual, tactile.
  • The signals are combined, creating complex neural connections and a single image in the brain, facilitating the processes of memorizing, storing and reproducing information.
  • It is enough for a child to remember one of the elements of an associative series for the brain to reproduce a complete image.

Using the fairy tale format for the development of speech in preschoolers

Note! Making mnemonic tables does not require special skills or talents. It is enough to choose a word or sentence and images that clearly illustrate them. These images are combined into one step-by-step slide (glued together in the correct sequence).

Example of a mnemonic table

Note! The game “Tell a fairy tale using pictures” is a vivid example of the use of mnemonic tables. The essence: children are shown mnemonic tables with illustrations of children's fairy tales, and the kids describe in their own words the actions taking place. Fairy tale cards can be downloaded online and printed.

The best board games for children 6-7 years old


  • "Pockets with a surprise." Goal: formation and improvement of tactile sensations and perception, consolidation of the skills to recognize objects by touch and name them out loud, development of fine motor skills and attention in younger groups. The bottom line: in pockets that can be easily sewn from scraps of fabric, pictures with raised letters and numbers are hidden. The child’s task: taking a picture out of the “pocket”, by touch, accurately identify and name the letter or number depicted on it.
  • Series of mnemonic tables “Seasons”. The tables depict the seasons and can be signed with lines from poetry. Preschoolers learn the names of the seasons, train their memory and expand their vocabulary.
  • “Find the odd one out in the pictures (4th extra one)” - a do-it-yourself game for developing speech in the preparatory group. Goal: development of logical thinking in preschoolers. The pictures show 4 objects (animals, plants, objects), one of which is clearly not suitable for the associative series. The child’s task is not only to identify what is superfluous, but also to logically explain why.

Note! Thus, play activities have a key influence on the development of speech in preschool children. It is important to train your child from childhood.

Progress of the game:

The adult invites the children to choose one large card . Then he shows a small card and asks : “Whose is it?”

The child looks for the correct place for each
card , focusing on the size of the figure, and says, for example, “This is the largest circle, this one is smaller, and this one is the smallest.” The teacher asks: “What color is this figure?
What is it called? Didactic game "Geometric mosaic"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes (triangle, circle,

square, oval, rectangle, about primary colors;

develop the ability to create an image of an object from geometric


develop visual perception, attention, memory, mental


Equipment: large cards with images of composed objects

from geometric shapes of different shapes, colors and sizes.

Game rule: the child must take only those geometric shapes

from which the objects on his card .

Progress of the game:

1. The teacher asks the child to look at the picture and say what geometric shapes the image is made of. How many geometric shapes of different shapes and what colors they are.

2. The teacher suggests looking at the picture and laying out the same one from geometric shapes, first by overlay on a card , and then on the table.

3. You can complicate the task and ask the child to lay out an object from geometric shapes from memory.

4. From these geometric shapes, lay out an image of any object.

Didactic game “What can I give you?”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;

develop attention, memory, thinking, visual perception.

Equipment: cards with geometric contours drawn on them

figures (four figures per card )

cut out of thick cardboard

Game rule: name only one geometric figure for your card , follow the order.

Progress of the game:

The child receives one card with drawn figures. The adult asks the child for the names of all the figures. The child names the geometric shapes drawn on his map . The game begins. The driver asks: “What can I give you?”

The child names one of the figures depicted on his
card and receives this figure from the driver and closes its outline. The game continues until all the pieces on the map . Next, a second card , with a drawn set of other figures, and the game is repeated.

1) you can make 2-3 sets of material (increase the number of game cards with figures drawn on them and cut out geometric shapes).

2). Several sets of cards and geometric shapes in various colors. It is good to use shades of pink, purple, blue, orange.

Didactic game “Fold the figure”

Goal: consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes,

practice composing a whole geometric figure from parts,

develop attention, intelligence, ability to analyze and

compare, fine motor skills.

Equipment: models of geometric shapes, similar geometric ones

figures cut into 2-4 parts.

Game rule: the child chooses parts of only one

geometric figure, takes other parts only after

laying out the previous geometric figure.


It is known that children love to play. Games occupy a large part of their active activities. In games, the baby learns about the world and himself, acquiring new communication skills and developing speech. An important role is played by role-playing games.

Didactic games

The essence of role-playing games is that the child tries on different social roles. While completing tasks, children interact and communicate with each other in the form of dialogue. Role-playing games help children learn to independently improve communication skills from the age of 2-3, train memory, attention, imagination and have a direct impact on the development of dialogic speech.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands as a means of speech development in children

Fine motor skills of the hands affect the development of correct speech. It has been proven that the speech apparatus develops under the influence of impulses entering the brain from the nerve endings of the fingertips. The development of motor skills is considered one of the main means for the formation of competent and correct speech. A whole set of exercises has been developed to train fine motor skills of the hands. One of them is finger gymnastics.

The influence of finger exercises on speech development

Finger gymnastics exercises have a direct effect on the development of speech in children, because impulses coming from the nerve endings at the fingertips stimulate the areas of the brain responsible for speech.

Important! Parents need to know that finger gymnastics with a baby can be done starting from 3-4 months, since at 2-3 years it will be too late.

Exercises help to develop the right and left hemispheres of the brain evenly. The right is responsible for figurative thinking, the left is for reproducing words denoting a specific object.

An example of finger gymnastics

Note! In order for speech to keep up with the formation of thoughts, it is necessary to use finger exercises.

Card index of didactic games according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Examples of interesting board games:

  • "One is many." Age: 4-5 years. The goal is to teach children the formation of plural numbers and the use of words in the genitive case, the selection of definitions for words and teaching meanings of action. Material: cards with pictures of objects. The essence: they show a card with a picture and ask questions about the object depicted on it, and the kids answer.
  • “Where is whose house?” Age: 5-6 years. Goal: development of speech, memory, imaginative and logical thinking. Material: 2 types of pictures: depicting animals and animal dwellings. The bottom line: the cards are distributed equally among the children, and then they look for the correct pair for their pictures.

Programs for speech development in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows models of geometric shapes. Invites the child to show all the figures and name them. Explains the task: “Each of you has the same geometric figures, but they are cut into 2-4 parts. If you put them together correctly, you get a whole figure.” Having completed the task, the children tell how many parts they made up the next figure from.

Didactic game “Find a similar figure”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, the ability to find

objects of the same shape, compare and combine them into groups,

develop thinking, visual perception, attention, memory.

Equipment: puzzle cards with images of geometric shapes and objects of different shapes.

Game rule: first look at a card with a geometric figure,

take only one card with an item that matches the given one

figure in shape.

Progress of the game:

Several people can take part in the game. Children are sitting at the table. The teacher gives a puzzle card with a geometric figure to each child. He asks: “What is your figure? Find an object similar in shape to this figure and complete the puzzle.”

Didactic game "Geometric rug"

Goal: to develop attention, memory, ability to navigate on a plane,

mental operations;

consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

Equipment: demonstration cards of geometric mats,

playing fields (by the number of players, sets of geometric shapes (by the number of players, prize chips.

Game rule: The player who gives the correct answer receives a chip.

The player with the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Progress of the game:

Option 1.

Educator (leader)

presents the players with one of the geometric rugs. Players place exactly the same pattern on their playing field. The first player to complete the task receives a chip. After all the players have completed the task, the teacher conducts a conversation on the following questions:

What geometric shapes were used?

How many of these or other figures were required?

The player who gives the correct answer receives a chip. The player with the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Option 2.

Educator (leader)

presents players with one of the geometric rugs for a few seconds
(from 15 to 30 seconds)
. The time depends on the readiness of the children. Then the mat is removed and the players must lay out the pattern from memory. The first player to complete the task receives a chip. The mat is then shown again so that all players can check and correct errors. The player with the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Didactic game “Who lives in the house?”

Goal: continue to form ideas about the table, row, column;

ability to use words that define the position of an object

on surface;

consolidate the ability to use a table, determine the color of objects,

distinguish studied geometric shapes;

develop attention, mental operations, imagination, speech;

cultivate a desire to do mathematics.

Equipment: playing field in the form of a table - a “house”

, kit

geometric shapes of different shapes and colors, cards with

multi-colored spots to indicate color, cards with outline

geometric shapes to indicate shape (all cards on

magnetic base).

Game rule: the child takes only one geometric figure,

determines its color and shape, and then finds a place for it in the “house”


Card index of didactic games for older groups of kindergarten

Didactic games in older groups:

  1. Games with objects: describing the properties of objects, finding common and different things, comparing objects, asking problematic questions. For example, why the oval doesn't roll.
  2. Printed board games: mathematical tasks - count birds, animals, tasks for attentiveness, thinking - pick up objects for something (dress a girl/boy, set a table, put things in closets, etc.), find a pair for something - or, tasks for the development of social relations - studying various professions, ways of behavior in public places.
  3. Word games: naming a group of objects, phenomena, animals, plants in one word, talking about the profession of parents, guessing riddles, composing stories (“continue the sentence”).
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