Techniques for producing sounds; methodological development for speech therapy on the topic

Pochivalina Inna Yurievna.

Iskitim, MBDOU No. 10 “Rucheyok”, teacher-speech therapist, [email protected]

Annotation. The article discusses the term “bioenergoplasty”, its advantages and the degree of influence on the correction of sound pronunciation. The main stages of the work are revealed, 4 complexes of bioenergoplastics are presented, and original fairy tales are proposed that will help avoid monotony and monotony in the work of the teacher. This article will be useful to: speech therapists, educators and parents.

Key words: innovative method, sound pronunciation, correction, bioenergoplasty, fairy tale.

According to world statistics, the number of speech disorders in preschoolers is increasing every year. A preschool educational organization is faced with the task of comprehensive development of children, correction of deviations in the child’s development, as well as preparation for entering school. A necessary condition for the implementation of this task is the formation and improvement of children’s speech in its various forms, using various methods and techniques.

Organizing the activities of children with speech disorders requires a special approach. Therefore, we are always in search of the most effective ways of education and training. It is known that the use of a variety of non-traditional methods and techniques in work supports the child’s cognitive activity, prevents fatigue and, in general, increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work.

Today, enough methods of non-traditional influence are known (game therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, sud-jok, chromotherapy, aromatherapy, etc.). But I would like to dwell on the one that, in my opinion, is the most appropriate and effective - this is the method - bioenergoplasty.

The term consists of two words: bioenergy and plastic. Bioenergy is the energy that is inside a person. Plastic – smooth, relaxed movements of the body and arms. Bioenergoplasty is a combination of movements of the articulatory apparatus and movements of the hands [2].

A.L. Sirotyuk believes that in correctional work, a significant role is played by the education in children of kinesthetic sensations of the organs of articulation, which allow them to feel the contrast in the position of the tongue, jaws, lips, and the direction of exhalation. Their clarity is due to tactile sensations, which is especially important at the initial stages of sound production, when auditory differentiation has not yet been formed [7]. Therefore, to achieve better results in working on sound pronunciation, you can use an innovative method - bioenergoplasty.

According to A.V. Yastrebova and O.I. Lazarenko body movements, joint movements of the hand and the articulatory apparatus, if they are plastic, relaxed and free, help to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body [8]. This suggests that performing articulatory exercises and rhythmic movements with the hand and fingers will lead to stimulation of the speech centers of the brain and a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of speech zones, which will ultimately improve articulatory motor skills, and therefore improve sound pronunciation.

According to O.I. Krupenchuk and T.A. Vorobyova, articulatory gymnastics allows us to strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus; develop the strength of mobility and accuracy of movements of the organs of articulation; combine simple movements into complex articulatory patterns [4]. In turn, bioenergoplasty promotes the development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the fingers; activating the child’s intellectual activity; development of memory, arbitrariness of attention, interhemispheric interconnection; developing the ability to act according to verbal instructions.

A.L. shares the same opinion. Sirotyuk, who claims that joint movements of the hand and the articulatory apparatus help to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. This has a beneficial effect on enhancing the intellectual activity of children, developing coordination of movements and fine motor skills [6].

At the beginning of the school year, when children are examined for their articulation apparatus, its mobility and speech development, a set of articulation exercises is selected for those sounds that are impaired. At the first stage, children perform exercises behind a speech therapist in front of a mirror. At the second stage, we also conduct articulation exercises traditionally, using fairy tales about the “Merry Tongue”. The child performs while sitting in front of a mirror, the teacher-speech therapist accompanies the gymnastics with movements of the leading hand. While the child’s hand is not involved in the exercises. The third stage of the exercise is carried out without a mirror according to instructions, without a sample, the child’s hand is not involved. The fourth stage - articulation exercises are carried out synchronously with hand movements - bioenergoplasty.

When considering meaningful work with a child with SLD, we adhere to the opinion and experience of practitioners about the need to take into account a person-centered approach: devote a sufficient amount of time to each child, regardless of the presence of special needs; ensure the relationship between the speech therapist and the child, readiness to provide the necessary help and support; strive to be positive in communication with the child; use accessible speech communication, organize a comfortable learning space for communication; act as a good listener and provide the child with the opportunity to express his thoughts to the end and, when appropriate, argue for them; rely on the child’s strengths in work [3; 5].

In our work we use the proprietary technologies of Elena Filippovna Arkhipova [1]. The author identifies 20 exercises: 1. “Fence”; 2. “Window”; 3. "Bridge"; 4. "Sail"; 5. “Tube”; 6. Alternating “fence-tube”; 7. “Shovel”; 8. “The shovel digs”; 9. “Delicious jam”, 10. “Warm wind”; 11. “The Horse Clatters”; 12. "Hammer"; 13. "Woodpecker"; 14. “Machine gun”; 15-a. "Cold wind; 15-b. "Mosquito"; 16-a “Steamboat” 1 option; 16-b. "Steamboat" 2nd option; 17. “The steamer is humming”; 18. "Painter"; 19. “Swing”; 20. "Focus".

When using bioenergoplasty, it should be noted that static exercises such as “Fence”, “Bridge” and others are easier for children. Dynamic ones require greater concentration of attention, for example, before performing the exercises “Horse Clacks”, “Hammer”, “Woodpecker”, “Machine Gun”, you need to tap the rhythm on the table with the child, and only then connect the articulatory apparatus.

Elena Filippovna offers 4 complexes of bioenergoplasty [1]:

  • 1 set of exercises for hissing: “Fence” – “Window” – “Bridge” – “Shovel” – “Shovel digs” – “Delicious jam” – “Focus” – “Warm wind” (exercise numbers No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 20, No. 10).
  • 2 set of exercises for the sound “P”: “Fence” – “Window” – “Bridge” – “Sail” – “Horse Clattering” – “Hammer” – “Woodpecker” – “Machine Gun” (exercise numbers No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13, No. 20, No. 1).
  • 3 set of exercises for the sound “L”: “Fence” – “Window” – “Bridge” – “Shovel” – “Steamboat” – “The steamboat is humming” (exercise numbers No. 1, No. 2, No. 7, No. 4, No. 16 , No. 17).
  • 4 set of exercises for whistling: “Fence” – “Window” – “Bridge” – “Fence” – “Cold Wind” (exercise numbers No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 1, No. 15).

In order for the students to remember the exercises better, we came up with fairy tales, and the children made illustrations for the fairy tales. Thus, we have a book of fairy tales “About the inquisitive Tongue”.

For complex No. 1: Behind a beautiful, bright fence (exercise “Fence”) there lived a small, hardworking Tongue. Early in the morning he looked out of his window (exercise “Window”), the bright sun was shining in the sky. Tongue went to visit his grandmother, crossed a small bridge (exercise “Bridge”) and ended up at her house. The grandmother was very happy when she saw her grandson, because she needed his help so much. He took his shovel (exercise “Shovel”) and cheerfully set to work (exercise “Shovel digs”), dug up carrots, beets, potatoes and many other vegetables, Tongue was very tired and hungry. The grandmother knew that her grandson loved raspberry jam most of all, so she poured him tea and a whole saucer of jam (exercise “Tasty Jam”). Tongue ate his fill and went to sit under a green and tall tree, where he was met by a little Dwarf who taught Tongue to perform tricks (exercise “Focus”). And it was so nice outside and a warm breeze was blowing (exercise “Warm Wind”).

For complex No. 2: Behind a high and large fence (exercise “Fence”) there lived a little Tongue, he really loved listening to fairy tales about distant countries. Dreaming of travel, he often looked out of his window (exercise “Window”), one day Tongue read about a great Wizard who could teach everyone to growl and decided to find him. Early in the morning he set off, crossed a low bridge (exercise “Bridge”) and found himself on the bank of a wide, deep river. Tongue began to think about how he could get to the other side, suddenly he saw an old boat, only it had no sail, and Tongue decided to repair it (exercise “Sail”). Tongue swam for a long time, finally he reached the other shore, but there he did not find the house of the great Wizard, but he met the Horse, who agreed to help him, and they set off together (exercise “The Horse Clatters”). On the way, friends had trouble; the Horse’s horseshoe broke, but our Tongue knew how to fix it (exercise “Hammer”). Meanwhile, the hardworking Woodpecker was watching them, who was surprised to see such friendly guys, he wanted to get to know them and cheerfully knocked on the tree (exercise “Woodpecker”). It turned out that Woodpecker also knew the great Wizard; his friends were very happy and took him with them. And they set off together, suddenly they saw a clearing in which the great Wizard and the little Tiger Cub were sitting, he tried very hard, but he couldn’t, then the Wizard gave him advice: in order to learn to growl correctly, you need to exhale harder on your tongue (exercise “ Machine gun"). The friends really liked the Wizard's advice, and they got to work.

For complex No. 3: Behind a beautiful, bright fence (exercise “Fence”) there lived a small, curious Tongue. Early in the morning he looked out of his window (exercise “Window”) and saw something big and white on the river. Tongue was very surprised, left the house and quickly ran along the bridge (exercise “Bridge”). Running closer to the water, Tongue realized that it was a Steamboat (exercise “Steamboat”), but for some reason he was very sad. Tongue learned that the Steamboat had a cold and could not hum at all as before. Tongue decided to help him (exercise “The Steamboat is Humming”). Since then, Tongue and Steamboat have become best friends.

For complex No. 4: A white, cold winter has set in outside. Our Tongue’s house was almost covered with snow, and only the edge of the fence was visible from afar (exercise “Fence”). The tongue sat at home and looked out of its small window (exercise “Window”). Suddenly he heard an interesting and unusual sound on the street. Tongue hurried out into the street, rolled off the slippery bridge (exercise “Bridge”) and fell into a large snowdrift near a fence (exercise “Fence”). He stood up, brushed himself off and listened again. It turned out that it was the Snowflakes who were singing their cheerful song (exercise “Cold Wind”). So Tongue found new friends and stopped being sad on winter evenings.

Thus, systematic work with the use of bioenergoplastics using fairy tales has an extremely beneficial effect on the activation of children’s intellectual activity, develops coordination of movements and fine motor skills, promotes the development of imagination, expansion of active and passive vocabulary, which in turn allows us to achieve certain positive results in correction process. It is worth noting another important “plus”. This technique allows the speech therapist to avoid repeating repeated oral instructions. This reduces the load on the vocal cords and articulatory apparatus, thereby helping to preserve the health of the teacher himself.


  1. Arkhipova E.F. Workshop-maximum. Neurostimulation techniques for production and automation of sounds [Electronic resource]. – Access mode (access date 12/20/17).
  2. Bushlyakova R.G. Articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty. – M.: Detstvo-Press, 2011. – 105 p.
  3. Inclusive education in Russia and abroad: theory and practice / Yu.V. Melnik, N.A. Odinokova, A.A. Smirnov: monograph // Center for the Promotion of Scientific Research. – Novosibirsk: LLC agency “Sibprint”, 2013. – 206 p.
  4. Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobyova T.A. Speech therapy exercises: articulation gymnastics. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2004. – 104 p.
  5. Odinokova N.A., Danekina E.A. Development of dialogical speech in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment of level III // Modern problems of psychological and pedagogical support of childhood: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference; edited by G.S. Chesnokova. – Novosibirsk: NGPU Publishing House, 2014. – P. 148–150.
  6. Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of the development of intelligence in preschool children. – M.: TC Sfera, 2002. – 198 p.
  7. Sirotyuk A.L. Teaching children taking into account psychophysiology. – M.: Sfera, 2001. – 204 p.
  8. Yastrebova A.V., Lazarenko O.I. Classes on the formation of speech-thinking activity and oral speech culture in children. – M.: Arkti, 2001. – 56 p.

Article on the topic "Unconventional methods and techniques for correcting the pronunciation side of speech

Authors of the article:

Bobrova Elena Arkadyevna,

Kushnarenko Olga Vladimirovna,

speech therapists, MDOU "D\s No. 40

compensating type" Ukhta

Enriching the correctional educational space for children with disabilities through the use of non-traditional methods and techniques for correcting the pronunciation side of speech

Speech therapist teachers describe methods and techniques for correcting pronunciation in children with disabilities: producing sounds mechanically using a pacifier; application of the Sound House manual; the use of non-standard equipment in the work of a speech therapist - the “Cheese Hole” prop.

Key words:
compensatory kindergarten, preschool children with disabilities, severe speech disorders, formation of correct sound pronunciation, non-traditional methods and techniques for correcting the pronunciation aspect of speech.
The problem of raising and educating preschool children with disabilities is very acute and relevant today. Correctional work with preschool children with speech disorders poses a difficult problem for specialists, since this group is characterized by a different nature of the defect and heterogeneity of clinical manifestations.

We work in kindergarten No. 40 of a compensatory type. Our kindergarten is attended by children with disabilities: musculoskeletal disorders, neurological disorders, severe speech impairments. Most often, children have reduced cognitive activity, impaired spatial orientation and coordination of movements. It is necessary to carry out correctional work with children aimed at developing all aspects of the child’s speech activity.

The entire system of speech therapy work on the formation of correct sound pronunciation can be divided into two stages:

  • Stage 1 - preparatory. Its main tasks are:

a) development of auditory attention, auditory memory and phonemic perception;

b) elimination of insufficient development of speech motor skills, carrying out preparatory articulation exercises for the development of mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus.

  • Stage 2 - formation of pronunciation skills.

In our work we use unconventional methods and techniques for producing sounds with mechanical assistance.

It is known that teachers-speech therapists use various substitutes for probes (cotton swabs, spatula) for mechanical production of sounds, thereby pursuing the goal of faster, more convenient, easier production of sounds.

Many children psychologically do not allow the use of metal probes. Some do not allow the use of a cotton swab. When the child touches the tongue or even the lips a little, a gag reflex occurs and in the future he refuses to work with a speech therapist.

In our practice, when producing sounds, we use ordinary rubber nipples.

Why a nipple - because it is soft, round, and does not cause any discomfort. This is something familiar to the child, something familiar, so the child likes it.

Nipples are treated in the same way as probes. In the office they can be stored in individual containers for each child. In order not to carry containers with pacifiers home to reinforce sound production, parents are advised to purchase pacifiers at a pharmacy. During consultations, parents are taught how to use them correctly.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to practice a number of articulation exercises using a pacifier. The articulation exercises themselves are standard and well known to everyone.

When it is difficult for a child to perform an articulation exercise of showing or imitating, a rubber pacifier helps us. The teacher puts the pacifier on the index finger and shows in the child’s mouth where the tongue needs to be placed or pressed so that the exercise works correctly.

We are all familiar with a certain set of exercises for producing whistling sounds. (Slide, Reel, Let's brush your teeth, etc.). The child is already good at articulation exercises, but when evoking the sound SSSSS while exhaling, the articulatory posture is lost.

Exercise "Whistle":

1) put the pacifier on your index finger.

2) open your mouth wide.

3) put the tongue in a “heap”.

4) place the pacifier in the middle of the tongue, pressing it down a little, so that the tip of the tongue continues to rest against the lower teeth.

5) stretch your lips into a wide smile.

6) close your teeth as far as the pacifier allows.

7) blow forcefully while holding your lips in a smile, as if blowing a whistle. A long SSS sound is heard.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Complication of the “Whistle” exercise:

- Do the same exercise with slowly removing the pacifier from the mouth to the teeth and out.

Then, we teach the child to perform the exercise independently by putting the pacifier on his own index finger of the dominant hand.

The sounds “K, G, X” are made in a similar, mechanical way, using a pacifier.

While pressing on the front of the back of the tongue, slowly move it a little further inward until the desired sound is achieved. The use of the mechanical method is stopped when the child remembers the location of the articulatory organs for pronunciation of the sound being studied.

Methods of sound production [Ш]:

(suitable for correcting the buccal pronunciation of the sound /Ш/). Exercise “Blow on hot tea”

Place the nipples on the index fingers of both hands. The child is asked to perform a “cup” while simultaneously supporting the side edges with the nipples. We invite the child to blow on the tongue, pronouncing the sounds TSHSHSHH for a long time. Only when the lateral edges of the tongue stop sagging can you begin to produce an isolated sound /Ш/

Methods of sound production [P]:

Method 1
- Exercise “Blow on a fungus.”
Performed in 3 steps:

1) Place the nipples on the index fingers of both hands.

2) Suck your tongue to the hard palate (“Fungus”)

3) Place the nipples under the lateral edges of the tongue (“under the mushroom cap”)

4) Take a deep breath through the nose (tongue in the same position) 5) make a sharp short exhale through the mouth, directing the air stream to the tongue and connecting the voice. This helps cause vibration in the tip.

Complication of the exercise:

- Do the same exercise with slowly removing one nipple from your mouth.

— we teach the child to perform the exercise independently by putting pacifiers on his own index fingers.

Method 2
Exercise “Motor”.
The tongue is raised up towards the alveoli, the child pronounces the sound [D] or the combination DY at a fast pace. The pacifier makes quick movements under the tip of the tongue to the right and left.

It is based on the traditional method of insertion using a ball probe (in our case, the probe substitute is a rubber nipple).

3rd method
of setting the sound [P]:
(Setting the sound [P] with a weak air stream).

The peculiarity of the method is that the child is in a semi-lying position, with his head slightly thrown back.

The effect is achieved by the fact that in a lying position the tongue is slightly pulled back and the child is forced to exhale a stream of air more intensely, which causes vibration in combination with manipulation.

The time for sound production is halved.

It is very important to teach children to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sounds of their native language, and it is also necessary to form in children clear ideas about the sound structure of a word. To solve these problems we use various games and aids.

At the stage of automating sound in words and phrases, we use the “Sound House” manual. The house is quite large in size, which allows it to be used for frontal exercises. The sound house consists of three “entrances”. In each “entrance” there are 3 “floors”, on top (under the roof), there are diagrams showing the place of the sound in the word (sound at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word) and a set of picture words with an automated sound (at the beginning of the word ; in the middle of a word and at the end of a word).

Game "Settle the House".

Goals: automate the delivered sound, determine the place of the automated sound in words-pictures and correlate them with the corresponding diagrams. Progress of the game. You can play the game individually or with a group of children. The adult asks the child to arrange all the word-pictures into their “apartments.” Then name all the picture words in which the sound is at the beginning of the word; in the middle of a word; at the end of a word. After all the pictures are put in their places, you can ask the child to complete a number of tasks:

"Guess what's missing."

The child closes his eyes, the adult covers any picture with a blank card. The child must remember and name the covered picture.

“Make friends with words.”

The child must make as many pairs as possible from these pictures, justifying his choice. For example: lily of the valley and onion are plants.

“Choose a picture and make a sentence.”

Compose a sentence and analyze: how many words; which word is first, which is second, etc.

This manual helps in a playful way not only to automate sounds, but also to form phonemic concepts.

Another option for sound houses. The game consists of three roofs with graphic diagrams of the place of a sound in a word and a set of picture-bricks with sounds: S, Ш, Р, Ль, Л in different positions (beginning, middle and end of the word). We play it in individual lessons with children at the stage of automation of a particular sound. Goals: automation of sound C, formation of phonemic representations. The game consists of three roofs with graphic diagrams of the place of a sound in a word and a set of pictures-bricks with the sound C in different positions (beginning, middle and end of the word). Progress of the game. You can play either individually or with a group of children. The roofs of houses are laid out in front of the child with a graphic diagram of the place of sound in a word. Separately there are pictures - bricks. The child takes a picture - a brick, names it and determines where the given sound is in the word. Then he places a picture-brick under a suitable roof, thereby building a house.

The next idea came from children's animators. When celebrating holidays, they use supplex fabric with holes of different sizes. This fabric stretches very well. We use this non-standard material to conduct outdoor games with children while solving our own correctional problems.

Game “Remember. Repeat".

Purpose of the game: to develop phonemic awareness. Progress of the game. All children in the group take part in the game. The fabric is stretched vertically at the corners. The teacher clearly and slowly pronounces a three-syllable track. For example: ma-we-mo. Which of the children clearly and correctly repeats the path of syllables crawls through the window hole.

Game “Say the word one, two, three.”

Purpose of the game: select words for a given sound. Progress of the game. All children in the group take part in the game. The fabric is stretched vertically at the corners. The teacher names the sound and asks the children to choose as many words as possible with this sound. The child who chooses the correct word climbs through the window.

You can use this guide as a surprise moment in the lesson. For example, as an unusual passage to the “Land of Vowel Sounds”. Whoever names a word that begins with a vowel goes through the window and finds himself in a magical land.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of a variety of non-traditional methods and techniques and forms of work in correctional work prevents children from becoming tired and supports cognitive activity and motivation in children with various speech pathologies. Consequently, it increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work in general.

1.Volkova L.S. and others. Speech therapy. - M.: Education, Vlados, 1995.

2.Efimenkova L.N. Correction of speech sounds in children. - M.: Education, 1987.

3.Ilyakova N.E. The sounds “SH” “Zh”, I distinguish you! Board speech therapy games-activities for children 5-7 years old. — M.: Publishing house “GNOM and D”, 2007.

4. Shvaiko G.S. Games and play exercises for speech development. - M.: Education, 1988.

Automation of sounds in a child’s speech

Nikolaeva Elena

Automation of sounds in a child’s speech

Many children studying with a speech therapist have one problem in common: the given sounds take a very long time to be automated in speech . That is, the child can already pronounce the sound in isolation, but in free speech he does not use the sound , or uses it only when reminded by his parents or speech therapist; not everyone can learn to hear their own speech and perceive it correctly. The period of sound automation is important in the correction of sound pronunciation and it happens that it lasts for months, or even years.

automation stage in speech therapy work takes quite a long time.

It is very important that parents not only pay attention to the developmental features of their child , but also manage to accept them. What does it mean to accept? Acceptance means saying to yourself and those close to you: “Yes, my child has special needs , and I want to help him.” Acceptance means giving your child a helping hand , instilling in him confidence in his own strengths, and setting him up for success. We, adults, need to learn to respect the individual characteristics and needs of the child , and then the help provided by adults will be effective and timely.

Working on sound pronunciation is complex and requires a certain consistency.

to automating a given sound only when the child pronounces it in isolation completely correctly with prolonged and repeated repetition. Gradually increase the pace of speech exercises. From the leisurely exaggerated pronunciation of syllables, the child should gradually move on to a faster pronunciation of words, and then to an even more accelerated pronunciation of sentences and, finally, pure phrases.

The main difficulty for parents is the child’s reluctance to study . To overcome this, you need to interest the baby. It is important to remember that the main activity of children is play. You can use computer technology and a variety of printed and verbal didactic games. Of course, parents do not have specially purchased cards or games to reinforce sound pronunciation , but most importantly the child should feel that classes are not a boring, inevitable duty, but an interesting and exciting activity. Taking this into account, it is necessary to turn the most complex process of audio automation into a game , using clarity and specially selected speech material. For example, you can draw a helicopter and tell your child : “Take a deep breath, start the engine and land the helicopter exactly on the airfield.” The child will make every effort to ensure that his helicopter reaches the airfield.

By automating sound , it is necessary to develop all aspects of a child's speech . This provides additional material for games and their variety.

In cases of incorrect sound pronunciation or lexical and grammatical errors, the child’s , but it is necessary to continue working on improving children’s self-control over speech activity. In this regard, the teacher (adult)


- guide the child to the correct pronunciation before answering with instructions: for example, “Watch the sounds "


- try to prevent an error in pronunciation with a glance, a gesture (thumbs up, pointing a finger at the lips, teeth, etc., with an articulatory or gestural hint:

• lips “in a smile”

or hand below;

• lips “mouthpiece”

or the hand is raised up;

- note the quality of pronunciation during the overall assessment of the answer;

- monitor correct sound pronunciation in everyday life (while walking, playing, etc.)

- try to delay control over sounds the sound with him ”);

sounds are introduced depends primarily on:

1. Depending on the type of speech disorder - for example, more complex sounds are automated in dysarthric children . Dysarthria is a speech therapy term and refers to a disorder or lack of sensitivity of the muscles that are responsible for the functioning of the organs of articulation. That is, the nerve cell that ensures the movement of this muscle is not yet mature enough, as a result of which difficulties arise in both sound pronunciation and automation . Overcoming dysarthria requires a long period, but the result will be.

2. From the state of phonemic hearing - in children with insufficiently formed phonemic hearing and phonemic perception, sound is not introduced into independent speech for a longer time.

3. From the state of the child’s mental processes - thinking , memory, voluntary attention, voluntary processes, i.e. self-control and conscious control of one’s actions.

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