Correct speech
Basic recommendations and exercises Each “training” day will need to start with a warm-up This is important
The reasons why speech development in a child is delayed can be different. Influence
One of the problems in the development of a child’s speech is the production of the sound L. To develop the correct
The pronunciation of Ш is normal. This sound is the basic one in the hissing group. Having mastered its articulation,
Violation of pronunciation To choose the right teaching tactics and understand how to make the sound “Ch” you need
Fragment of a speech therapy lesson at DR Similar posts: Rotacism in speech - complete information Rotacism
Exercises for producing hissing sounds in children Sound pronunciation is formed in children already from
Features of articulation The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation (if the child does not have other speech problems, for example, dysarthria)
One can understand the excitement of parents who suddenly discover that their child, a preschooler, is poorly or
According to the results of a study by modern Russian scientists, at least 15% of the Russian population have serious