Correct speech
Usually, interdental sigmatism is spoken of in the context of a speech disorder such as dyslalia, but it also occurs
What are voiced consonants? Our speech consists of complete in meaning and intonation
If the baby has already learned to pronounce the sound Ш correctly, then you should not force him to immediately
Sound gymnastics for preschoolers Ekaterina Fazleeva Sound gymnastics for preschoolers Sound gymnastics is pronunciation
Syllables with the letter P The letter P is the most common letter in the alphabet, not including
Purity of speech affects future success at school and the process of social adaptation. Logorhythmics
Failure to pronounce the sound [L'] is the most common defect in children's speech. The baby can replace the inconvenient
Good afternoon, dear readers! When our baby was born, we were with great interest
Lambdacism Speech therapists call the inability to pronounce the sounds “L” and “L” correctly the term lambdacism. It means,
Speech therapy master class: “The Tale of the Merry Tongue” MASTER CLASS FOR PARENTS “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”