Correct speech
Article: When eliminating speech disorders, speech therapy is the leading intervention, the main forms of which are education,
Soft sonor [L'] appears in the child’s speech in the second or third year of life, hard [L] -
Teaching a small child under one year to speak: isn’t it too early? You can develop your child’s speech
When a child of 2-3 years old still does not speak, parents panic. Them
The work of a teacher-defectologist in a comprehensive school The work of a teacher-defectologist in a comprehensive school In connection with the transition
Normal speech development of a child At what time does the baby begin to talk? In the first months of life
Article: Normally, by the age of 3–4 years, children correctly pronounce the hard and soft sound “s”.
The sound [k] is not one of the most difficult to pronounce, but still
Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions An individual plan of speech therapy work for each child is important for
Activities with a child for speech development at home. How to determine the level of speech development