Correct speech
Photo source gpointstudio/freepik A defectologist is a specialist who works with children who have mental or
Why is it so difficult to pronounce Linguists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology tried to understand what is happening with speech
Hello, dear readers! Do you know such dishes that do not break, do not break and
Tags: Speech therapy, Development, Speech development Children tend to have a lisp, not pronounce sounds, skip or replace
Home Speech development The sounds [L] and [L] the child normally begins to pronounce correctly with
Most often, speech disorders are detected at the age of 3 years, when the child begins to actively speak.
Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers Tatyana Radchenko Games and exercises for
The first sounds and words of a little man are quite funny and bring smiles to adults. However
February 25, 2019 Sveta Averyanova Teach a child to read independently up to first grade without help
Subject of study and main tasks of defectology Defectology branches into separate branches: deaf pedagogy (studies